forum Tell Me Stuff You Heard High/Middle School Students Say!
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after people have said the Pledge Of Allegiance (it's a weird American thing)
"God save the Queen!"
-Me. Yes, I did actually say that after we said the Pledge.


-multiple people multiple times


So we did this improv about manners for my homeschool group and my friend played the grandma

Also me (walking off the stage ready for next skit): What moisterizer do you use?
Her: I use Olay Regenerist


"The trumpets sound like depressed fire trucks."
-A trombone

"Why is it that all marches look the same?"
"Because John Philip Sousa is Satan."
-Me and my friend, both salty French horns

"Pro tip: If you're solving a triangle with the angle measures in degrees, make sure your calculator is not in radians."
-Me after a math test

"What's your favorite band piece of all time?"
-Someone who expected me to choose a favorite piece. That's like asking someone to choose a favorite book.


"How many months are there in a year?" - kid next to me

"There are nine months." - kid two rows over

"No! That's how long a woman is pregnant for!" - kid on the complete opposite side of the room

I'm just going to say these are high school students…


"I feel guilty about yelling at you guys for the past few weeks," My band teacher as he gives us donuts.

"Guilt tastes good," a girl in percussion section while eating adonut.

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"The tennors sound like goddamn cats being strangled." - the Sopronnos (wich i am in)

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"NO BITCH, IM A TALKING APPLE!" - my friend when we were doing a skit


For context: I was in chorus, and we were talking about concerts. The best way to get to concerts was to not be sick and "to not lick your hands, Brenda." She was apparently licking her hands like a cat, and the Bass next to me asked "But what about feet?"
Me: "So, you suck toes?"
Cue laughter from everyone, especially the teacher.


screeching noises And that's how you warm up, fellas
-Me, one of two girls in a nine person choir class


Me and my friend two years ago, in a stress-induced existential stupor, staring at the cracks in the lining of our converse
Me: I guess we just have really curvy feet


(So, this isn't by a middle or a high schooler, but this is my youth pastors wife and shes awesome so)

YP's Wife: I have to go to the bathroom. Does anyone else?
Me and my friend: yeah…

(we spent the time in there talking. I love my YP's wife :)