Yes, hello, I'm your local cryptid who periodically leaves her hobbit hole. All feedback is given with massive grains of salt on the side!
History, reading, (digital) art
Carol Rifka Brunt, Markus Zusak, Derek Landy
Tell the Wolves I'm Home
"Someday you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again."
@Riorlyne :DDD I'm so glad you like it!!!!!!

what if your parents knew Plot was headed your way and sent you away to protect you from it, entirely without your knowledge. would it still catch up with you? asking for a friend
he's not a ~villain~ per se, he's just slightly morally depraved and really annoying: meet Khetve, the 73-year-old version of a spoiled child prodigy
a mood

This is the kind of character that’s annoying and entertaining at the same time. Once you’ve met him, you can’t forget him (I suppose that’s his goal?)

haha yeah he aims to be unforgettable, and whether they like him or hate him they can't deny him that

Can I just say that I love your initial physical description of Mig? The juxtaposition of how he looks now compared to what Yana remembers, the way her assessment of him ("You look well") flows from what she's noticed most. Your characters feel alive.
I have to add that this simile is so visceral it has me cringing with Yana.
(I came online to check something, fondly remembered our discussions, wondered if you were still active and voilà, I care what happens to Mig and Yana already. <3)