forum Tell Me Stuff You Heard High/Middle School Students Say!
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Yeah, school is rough… but the logic of everyone at my school is, if you can't do anything about it, make it into a joke and/or meme.

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"THE WORLD IS FLAT AND AUSTRALIA IS FAKE" – some freshman in the hallway, he chanted this over and over as he walked into a Geography classroom.


SO….here is an interesting conversation, my friends had:

Ill just call my friends; Jake, Keith, Hannah, and Tanner (also there's me) So, Jake tells everyone else that its national margarita day. Tanner looked over and was like,
"National macarena day?" (that weird dance…idk how to explain it lol) All my friends laugh and correct him. Then Keith somehow brought up the conversation on how to take shots while doing the macarena. I think everyone else was a bit worried cause we got some weird stares as we did the macarena while holding pretend shot glasses ._.


"So- Uh, The book I'm presenting is called House of Furries." - Fellow artist trying to say House of Furies (A book based on the Greek Mythology terrors of the underworld)
"I HAVE BEEN FALLING (pause) FOR THIRTY MINUTES!" - Friends shouting a reference to Loki from Thor Ragnarok
"NANI?"- Guy from science shouting with cracked voice, sometimes he sings ocean man afterwards
"oWo. Cotton shep doin' a sad."- Worldbuilding friend talking about characters
" Gasp. BETRAYAL." -Same world building friend before exaggerated fake panic attack
*Exaggerated sniff after hearing a meme reference "Oh yEs. Them good MeMes." -Friends
"How DaRE."- Friends acting offended
"I forgot his profile pic was the dumb Korean commercial"- Group chat
"Apparently one of the students drove up and ordered at Sonic in a furry suit for some joke or dare." "I would totally do that."- group chat

This is just some of the more absurd stuff, and let me tell you. I have a variety of friends in my small group I got this from. Shippers, Anime fans, artists, Pokemon/Undertale/Kirby fan, robotics team, meme lords, that friend that gets everyone to repeat what they're saying, and like I said world builders. One time my friends and I asked a random acquaintance from each class to join a fictional group from one of our worlds, some actually said yes and went through with saying the imaginary pledge to the kingdom. My school was really random before I switched to different one. Once someone even sold a whole watermelon in class.

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"I Want To Die"

"Are you sure that's legal?"
"Whatever man we have Donald Trump."
"Are you sure Donald Trump is legal?"
"…depends on who you ask."


"I think we're all a little dead inside."
(Multiple people in unison): "YOU THINK???"/"YOU jUST REALIZED????"

MY HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER: "I know you all probably don't want to be here and just want to go JUUL in the bathrooms or something,"

ALSO THE SAME HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER: "Ok, those of you who didn't finish the assignment, please go to the library. You can stay there for the rest of the period." AT THE LIBRARY CUZ I WAS THERE "so uh what do you think he was trying to accomplish?" "idk let's start a Kicked Out Club" (now there's a google hangouts chat named Kicked Out Club)

…and I'll post more later


@SnakeChild-Creator-Of-Strange-Characters-Antisocial-Theatre-Nerd-Duskie That just reminded me of how annoyed my friend got when I brought tea every morning.
"I bring tea everyday and you bring Pocky. Let's agree to disagree."- Me to annoyed friend
Also this happened:
Friend nicknamed 'Gram Cracker'- "WHERE'S MY APPLE JUICE? DID YOU TAKE MY APPLE JUICE?"
Boy she hates- "I didn't take your apple juice." 'Gram Cracker'-"I KNOW YOU DID! WHERE IS IT!"
Teacher- "Who left their juice on my desk?" 'Gram Cracker'- "THAT'S MINE!" Jumps over tables and desks. Walks back to desk like nothing happened and glares at boy. "I hate you."
And while all that happened another friend was dying of laughter from it all and fell off her chair.


I love how random this conversation is. We are most certainly hearing the best quotes from everyone's schools.

Deleted user

I love how random this conversation is. We are most certainly hearing the best quotes from everyone's schools.

I feel very proud of my post