forum Tell Me Stuff You Heard High/Middle School Students Say!
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Wanna know intense?
Try playing Kahoot in an art class full of American teens when after a person is on a winning team three times your out and everyone wants you on their team because your always the first one out because the prize is candy and you know all the art terms

Deleted user

My username is usually very very strange or


lol my name was always Sketch since some kid on my robotics team decided to give everyone nicknames and it stuck. That in itself isn't funny, but it is when during the science Kahoots there was always at least one person that raged and started shouting about not knowing who Sketch is XD


We were listening to Moana in class and one kid said “I’m not far enough into Spanish to understand this” and we all looked at him like what the heck

@Becfromthedead group

Speaking of Kahoot we did some in 11th grade for AP government, and my teacher’s favorite president is Lyndon B Johnson so I made my name LBJ, then kept creeping up from last and winning. People were like, “who the heck is LBJ????” And someone else in my class called themselves Robbie Rotten. We had a lot of good ones.


History class during a unit on Texas gaining independence:
Teacher(Last name Gonzalez)- "So I decided to take a little jump through history to make this unit more fun."
Everyone because this was the cool teacher- "Are we playing a game?"
Person dressed up as someone from history(Last name Gonzalez) walks out of back closet and waves a sword as he introduces himself
Student- "Wait. You have the same last name!"
Other student- "Are you related!?"
Another other student- "How long was your relative in that closet?"
From that point on it was a running joke when ever that unit was brought up.