forum Talk about things you hate without judgement.
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people_alt 105 followers


That sounds like the greatest thing

Was he wearing…. anything?

Thankfully yes although I will admit it wasn't my main concern at the time


algebra 2

A fun idea for you:

Precalculus 🤢

A fun idea for you:


don't worry! i have to take them all within the next two years :D

@tungsten fastfood

algebra 2

A fun idea for you:

Precalculus 🤢

A fun idea for you:


hRRGHHHHH stop it you're gonna make me vomit

thank god I'm going into chem and gonna do everything in my power to avoid calculus 😩

@Becfromthedead group

It depends a lot on your school. I know my school's hard sciences are like excessively hard and elitist for no fucking reason. Definitely contributed a lot to my situation.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Every time I think about it, I get unreasonably upset about the 101 dalmatians movie.

That's perfectly valid. I get chills thinking about those poor puppies…