forum Talk about things you hate without judgement.
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@Pickles group

I hate being exhausted but not being able to sleep. What am I supposed to do? Watch youtube until I pass out? I have school tomorrow, I was supposed to be asleep over an hour ago

@Mojack group

Most people probably hate this but movie spoilers. People are spoiling a movie that hasn’t come out in my country yet and hasn’t come out in others either. I didn’t watch the video but seeing it right off the bat was kinda..yeah


Ok this one's a little off, but when I'm going through a shitty time and people say "you're not alone in this." That makes me feel so much worse and I hate it. I say it all the time, and I acknowledge my hypocrisy. When I hear other people are suffering as much as I am with a certain problem, I just feel bad for me and all them and it makes me feel hopeless. Like, "oh, so this is something me and all these people can't shake, and even though we've been struggling for years/all our lives, it might never/will never go away. But hey! At least thousands of other people can share my pain!" like why would I want that. I get the whole "oh, my problem isn't unknowable and other people can tell me about it" but for me it's just sad. I guess I need to work on that, cause it's very much a negative attitude thing. But still.


people who smoke just to look cool
like i'm fine if u do it for other reasons but there's literally middle schoolers smoking just to act cool

@Pickles group

Ok this one's a little off, but when I'm going through a shitty time and people say "you're not alone in this." That makes me feel so much worse and I hate it. I say it all the time, and I acknowledge my hypocrisy. When I hear other people are suffering as much as I am with a certain problem, I just feel bad for me and all them and it makes me feel hopeless. Like, "oh, so this is something me and all these people can't shake, and even though we've been struggling for years/all our lives, it might never/will never go away. But hey! At least thousands of other people can share my pain!" like why would I want that. I get the whole "oh, my problem isn't unknowable and other people can tell me about it" but for me it's just sad. I guess I need to work on that, cause it's very much a negative attitude thing. But still.

It makes me feel all gross inside

@Katastrophic group

Sketching digitally

oh mood. On one hand, it feels so different than pencil and paper and I just sketch so much easier in a notebook, but on the other, i need the transform tool for when i have to draw the hands but then they're too small. Or when i draw the other eye just a little too far over. Also the undo button.

@Pickles group

Sketching digitally

oh mood. On one hand, it feels so different than pencil and paper and I just sketch so much easier in a notebook, but on the other, i need the transform tool for when i have to draw the hands but then they're too small. Or when i draw the other eye just a little too far over. Also the undo button.

Same. Usually I just suffer through sketching on paper and then fix the proportions when I scan it in proportions are so hard?? I don't understand how people do it. I get the basics down and it's fine and then I start to refine it and suddenly the hand is completely wrong and the head is too big and the torso's just completely wrong

@Pickles group

My boobs are too small to really be boobs, but not small enough for me to really get away without wearing a bra. But my prom dress is off the shoulder so I need a strapless one and it makes me feel like I'm gonna vomit

@tungsten fastfood

I just want to stab the fashion industry

I hate wearing bras because for me (I'm a DD) they're super expensive and it literally varies by the company. I have two 38 DD cup bras that don't fit at all and my bigger boob spills out of it often and yet a 36 DD bra that I've had for almost three years fit both perfectly fine

so yeah uh fuck??? whoever did that and 🥰

@Becfromthedead group

I lowkey hate my family
Like… they complain about politics, and how it's "shoved down their throat" when they're only touchy about politics that don't line up with their own. Then they shove that shit in my face, and when I try to argue back (because I'm done laying down and taking it), everyone gangs up on me, even though I will be sitting there actively fact checking myself and looking things up, and all they can offer is their opinions and feelings.
Conservatives like that piss me tf off because they'll be like "facts don't care about your feelings" then will piss and shit themselves when someone practices free speech that they don't like, and will actively combat fact with feeling. (I acknowledge that emotion is incredibly important in arguments! It is! But don't be a hypocrite!)
It makes me feel unloved, unwanted, and like I'm somehow the bad guy. And I know that because of my future goals in lawmaking and government, they really are going to hate me one day.
But literally I'm the most considerate of all because I will sit there and fucking fact check to make sure I don't lie?
Also they have ZERO empathy for the poor, the working class, etc. They don't understand that some of our legislation is meant to confer protections that they take for granted.
Like god, look at these rich, white asshats.


people who have

ZERO empathy for the poor, the working class, etc

not trying to pick out your family specifically, my family's the same way and it pisses me off to no end.

@Becfromthedead group

People who make a point to say they don't like cats when you say you have one/are thinking of adopting one/work at a shelter.
It's not about you, jackass <3


People who make a point to say they don't like cats when you say you have one/are thinking of adopting one/work at a shelter.
It's not about you, jackass <3

people who don't like cats

@Becfromthedead group

Just thinking about how much I hate that guys harassing people and otherwise invalidating, bothering, or making kinda iffy comments to afab people is so normalized.
As a general rule, not a fan of cishet men. They're so privileged they even get to pick on us and maybe get a slap on the wrist.
And if you fight back you're a bitch.
We've definitely achieved gender equality tho. Women can vote and work, there's definitely nothing else to work on <3