forum Talk about things you hate without judgement.
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@HighPockets group

All the little lungs ads, but particularly the one where little lungs land on a railing, slide all the way down, and break in half

The what

@requiemisback language

All the little lungs ads, but particularly the one where little lungs land on a railing, slide all the way down, and break in half

i hated that one especially hhfjhjf

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

All the little lungs ads, but particularly the one where little lungs land on a railing, slide all the way down, and break in half

The what

You've never seen those?
Personally I hate the birthday party one the most

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

You know what. The last time I went on smartmusic it was okay. Nope. Back to hating it


this thanks

On the same note:


asdfhjkl as someone who doesn't know wtf Kami is besides Japanese for God, this amuses me

@Pickles group

You know what. The last time I went on smartmusic it was okay. Nope. Back to hating it


this thanks

On the same note:


Less than smartmusic, but also yes

@requiemisback language

All the little lungs ads, but particularly the one where little lungs land on a railing, slide all the way down, and break in half

The what

You've never seen those?
Personally I hate the birthday party one the most

oh yeah the birthday party one ughhh
ft tho, i'm 100% sure that one actually mentally damaged me

@Pickles group

All the little lungs ads, but particularly the one where little lungs land on a railing, slide all the way down, and break in half

The what

You've never seen those?
Personally I hate the birthday party one the most

oh yeah the birthday party one ughhh
ft tho, i'm 100% sure that one actually mentally damaged me

I lose a year off my life every time I see any little lungs ad and I know all the anti-vape ones by heart, I hate it



From my experiences thus far there are two types of ACAB supporters:
The passive ones, who at least agree that the police system is flawed and there are officers out there who are utter garbage (I'm one of those)
And then the aggressive ones, who crap on every single human being that may happen to work in the force, actually a bastard or not, and – despite some asking for "no bigots" – act a bit bigoted about this themselves (Even seen a few of them get all smug with someone whose cop dad is crippled). Those irritate me.


the latter are a smaller fraction but one thing you'll notice is they're either young and passionate and still learning(i used to be one, it takes maturing and growing to re-evaluate your position on things like that and realize that 1. this isnt a black and white issue and 2. you're a little obnoxious) or they're doing it for attention. a lot of them are just doing it for attention, for the shock value of saying 'all cops should die' or to get clout from the blm movement. its such a small amount that actually believe all cops are horrible beings, and usually that's due to a series of very bad experience which justify the position but don't excuse it


…If that's true then I had the bad luck to friend someone who turned out to be one of that fraction. And follow an artist who turned out to be one of that fraction (Their art's great tho)

Is there any hope for them?


there is! a lot of people get caught up in the moment(if you mean they're the attention seeking) and very often its never too late for people to realize they're wrong! that's part of being human, maturing in your beliefs. if it's the very last one, then they probably just would have to meet good cops, honestly. i know there are good cops because i've known them and so has my mom, who grew up with a dad in law enforcement(he was probably not a good one, but others were). you just have to know them for your opinion to change, i think

of course this isn't me denying that there are bad cops, i just think the ones that are bad get so much attention for doing bad things(which is a mixed bag, but generally good that its brought to light) that the huge chunk of good ones are forgotten about

Deleted user

Power outages. They used to be cool when I was little because they didn’t happen as often, but now it’s “another day, another power outage.” It’s not even my town I think, it’s just my house. My family really needs to put some money into replacing some stuff in our house I think.

Edit: Also extremely thankful for the portable chargers I got a year ago. Even with power outages, they’ve been a help to me and my family.

Deleted user

When people have the fucking audacity to call one of my favorite video game characters by the incorrect pronouns simply to piss me off.

@Pickles group

Back again to complain about the little lungs ads, and also to note that in the tony hawk one they catch on fire which I didn't notice before and didn't want to know