forum Talk about things you hate without judgement.
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 105 followers


When the photography students take pictures of you without asking
Like I'm trying to do work or just walking and they'll take a pic
Did not consent, dude

Deleted user

I hate people who think they're better than me thinking since I'm new I should bow to their ego I FUCKING DON'T GIVE A SHIT I can take their judgement but treating me as if I'm lower class I might just end everything

Deleted user

Honestly I just hate school and life in general, I hate that I have good parents but still get afraid when my brother says jokingly that my dad is upset that the house isn’t clean enough, and I hate the fact that I somehow am that one kid who is bullied every year at school for being a weirdo. (I have more things but I can’t thing of them on the spot)