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@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Time zones


Exactly!! I just wanna be able to talk to Seeb over in Australia but there’s a 14 hour time difference and there’s like a few hours when it’s an acceptable time to be awake in both zones :(

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Time zones


Exactly!! I just wanna be able to talk to Seeb over in Australia but there’s a 14 hour time difference and there’s like a few hours when it’s an acceptable time to be awake in both zones :(

My one online friend stopped playing WoW because no one would play with him and they're three hours behind me so I couldn't play with them cause I only have time in the mornings…
Not to mention certain other friends not being able to talk because of time differences and the need to sleep.


I hate when people dumb down demisexuality to not liking one night stands, not fitting into hook up culture, or explain it in a puffy way like "I need an actual, personal bond and trust before I'm attracted to anybody [sticks nose up]"

It's kind of none of those things. Demisexuality is not some deep virtue. It's being asexual with (uncontrollable) conditions- yes, the condition is a personal bond that usually comes with trust, but it's very much not someone choosing to abstain because they're 14 and need something deep first. Abstinence, however temporary, is a choice. Attraction- and lack thereof- is not.

It's not "I actually want to get to know and fall in love with someone before I do the deed." That's a choice. Even if it's a deep rooted choice and you can't imagine your romantic life going any other way, it's still a preference. Demisexuality is not that. I wish people would learn the difference.

On a related note, I hate being demisexual lol.

@Becfromthedead group

Yeah, on demisexuality, it just drives me insane when ppl are like "lol isn't everyone like that?"
Like no. I don't just not want one night stands. The idea literally repulses me (though I'm not judgemental of others who have casual sex).
It has nothing to do with the toxic purity culture. Nothing to do with not wanting to risk STIs or pregnancy.
I just have literally never looked at a person and been like "I'd tap that."
Personalities and deep connection are sexy, bodies are secondary.

@Pickles group

Thinking about the line in the percy jackson musical where luke says "they're omnipotent AND ALL POWERFUL" luke that line singlehandedly makes me hate you. unforgivable. bull fucking shit. you little bitch dumbass

@larcenistarsonist group

I didn't hate any characters in Percy Jackson, but Jason and Luke were probably my least-liked characters

Jason had the personality of a saltine cracker

Luke was just- ugh

@Pickles group

I hate Jason with a burning passion. Piper sucks, and I only liked Leo because I felt bad for him. Frank and hazel are meh, and so is everyone else that wasn't in the original series

@larcenistarsonist group


but beckendorf's probably one of my favorites. I also love Nico because you can't not love Nico.

And Ethan Nakamura was very neat.

cLaRiSsE aNd SeLeNa

Basically anybody that wasn't one of the main 3 in Battle of the Labyrinth and the Last Olympian I loved.

@HighPockets group

No lie, I like the side characters in PJO more than the leads in HoO. I feel like Luke is a well-written character who you love to dislike y'know? but Jason is just bland af

@larcenistarsonist group

Out of the 7, the one I liked the most was Leo because his chapters actually kept me interested (unlike Jason, Frank and Piper). Percy just felt like an asshole in HoO and Annabeth, don't get me wrong she's neat and all, but she just kinda fell short for me. Hazel was cool in theory I guess, but she just lacked that ~spark~. Piper felt like a bitch, Jason is blander than my mother's cooking, and Frank just… didn't hit the mark.

ToA were okay I love me some bi disaster apollo but I really did not like Meg so it was hard to read them.

@HighPockets group

Meg felt realistically immature but since Apollo was also so immature it felt pretty grating to read. At least that's what I remember it being, I only read the first one (maybe the first two?) and it was years ago

@Pickles group

Out of the 7, the one I liked the most was Leo because his chapters actually kept me interested (unlike Jason, Frank and Piper). Percy just felt like an asshole in HoO and Annabeth, don't get me wrong she's neat and all, but she just kinda fell short for me. Hazel was cool in theory I guess, but she just lacked that ~spark~. Piper felt like a bitch, Jason is blander than my mother's cooking, and Frank just… didn't hit the mark.

ToA were okay I love me some bi disaster apollo but I really did not like Meg so it was hard to read them.

people can try to excuse frank and hazel's age gap, but she was physically and probably still mentally 13 and it was hella weird for him to like her back

@larcenistarsonist group

I think the only thing that really got me through the books were the side characters

But it was also nice that there was a lot of LGBTQ stuff… but that also felt sort of overstuffed

We had bi Apollo, gay Nico and Will, Kayla had two dads, Josephine and Emmi, aro/ace Artemis, acespec Reyna, lesbian Lavinia, gay Paolo, bi(?) Commodus, and a lot of other characters.

We went from having one (two if you count Will) canon LGBTQ character to having well over ten.

@larcenistarsonist group

Out of the 7, the one I liked the most was Leo because his chapters actually kept me interested (unlike Jason, Frank and Piper). Percy just felt like an asshole in HoO and Annabeth, don't get me wrong she's neat and all, but she just kinda fell short for me. Hazel was cool in theory I guess, but she just lacked that ~spark~. Piper felt like a bitch, Jason is blander than my mother's cooking, and Frank just… didn't hit the mark.

ToA were okay I love me some bi disaster apollo but I really did not like Meg so it was hard to read them.

people can try to excuse frank and hazel's age gap, but she was physically and probably still mentally 13 and it was hella weird for him to like her back

yeah the age gap weirded me out. It's like a freshman dating a senior

ah shit I'm getting flashbacks

@HighPockets group

I think the only thing that really got me through the books were the side characters

But it was also nice that there was a lot of LGBTQ stuff… but that also felt sort of overstuffed

We had bi Apollo, gay Nico and Will, Kayla had two dads, Josephine and Emmi, aro/ace Artemis, acespec Reyna, lesbian Lavinia, gay Paolo, bi(?) Commodus, and a lot of other characters.

We went from having one (two if you count Will) canon LGBTQ character to having well over ten.

Especially since a lot of it was never really, like, handled? I'm all for casual representation but when your "ace rep" is a group of immortal preteens and a character who you confirmed as ace via Twitter I'm not going to laud you for your rep. Like I'm not a huge fan of how he wrote queer issues and such in regards to Nico and Alex but at least their gayness and genderfluidity weren't just dropped in and then ignored.

@HighPockets group

I feel like in order for the new leads to work they either had to A) be introduced in a Magnus Chase or Kane Chronicles style "here's some new people and their new god system and how it works" way or at LEAST have some time to really develop before being tossed in with Percy, Annabeth, and Nico or B) have there be less of them and give the ones that he kept develop more (seriously, your middle grade series DOES NOT need NINE major POV characters, that's just assuring that some won't get nearly as much development or page time as others even when seven are ostensibly leads)

@larcenistarsonist group

I think that's one of the major reasons why I preferred PJO to HoO. We actually got to see Percy develop and grow but then we move onto the next series and then BOOM! Five brand new MAIN characters. They didn't get nearly as much development and Percy and Annabeth's development just seemed to stop. By the time I finished reading HoO, Percy and Annabeth felt the same as they did when I finished reading PJO.

@Pickles group

I'm pretty sure in greek mythology, artemis canonically slept with her hunters, so uh.
Also hot take, RR can't write without the main character being super fucking dumb and needing everything explained