forum Talk about things you hate without judgement.
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people_alt 105 followers

@tungsten fastfood

emi I want a divorce how dare you like mayo in this no-mayo house

Bro you're acting like I eat Mayo by the spoonful like some kind of fat american


When people won't talk about non-binary issues without using the terms AMAB and AFAB. I know that those different types of people will face different types of problems coming out as non-binary, I understand that's just the reality, but a lot of the time we could do without the AMAB and AFAB distinguishments. Sometimes it's just cis people trying to assign us binaries again. We're all just non-binary. An AMAB non-binary person can represent an AFAB non-binary person just fine, and vice versa. Because we're all non-binary. Again, some parts of their experiences will be different based on how they were brought up and what spaces they're in, etc, and that includes their gender assigned at birth. But all non-binary people are just non-binary. That's the important shared experience, that's the one that counts in regulat conversation, and in most more intense discussions. AFAB non-binary people are the same type of non-binary as AMAB non-binary people. You don't need to distinguish them every time you get the chance. It really is cis people basically saying "girl non-binaries this and boy non-binaries that." Like can they not?


I know I'm white but pepper is so fucking gross

I've never met anyone like you
I didn't even know you were allowed to not like pepper

@Pickles group

I know I'm white but pepper is so fucking gross

I've never met anyone like you
I didn't even know you were allowed to not like pepper

It's not very good. I only put it on stuff that I also put salt on to make myself feel better and also so the thing doesn't taste totally like salt