forum Talk about things you hate without judgement.
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@Pickles group

Every time I remember What Would You Do? i die inside I hate it more than words can describe. Watching that show feels like the world is staring at you watching you trip on your own two feet in the store, dropping your boxes and boxes of unhealthy food and breaking your spine. And I haven't even been on it. Such a fucking horrifying show I hate it so much it's so gross. This is why I hate seeing people out in public
that show is the reason old people are so nosy and you can't convince me otherwise

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

how i have to change my personality and hobbies to please my parents

^^^^^ yeah ew this

it sucks

I hate how my parents assume they can control ever aspect of my life, but then have the audacity to say i dont act the same as I used to like?? you?? did?? this?? to?? me??
you literally told me to do this and do that, which contradicts my personality, erasing it completely.

There is so much…
so. much…
I could add to this. But I don't need to do that to myself or my mental health right now so Imma just give ahuge agree and a lot of sympathy to anyone else with this issue.

@Pickles group

Okay but does anyone else hate the comments on youtube that are like:

"lol he's so hawt <333
EDIT: OMG thankyou guys sooooo much for all the likes <333"


@requiemisback language

Okay but does anyone else hate the comments on youtube that are like:

"lol he's so hawt <333
EDIT: OMG thankyou guys sooooo much for all the likes <333"




Okay but does anyone else hate the comments on youtube that are like:

"lol he's so hawt <333
EDIT: OMG thankyou guys sooooo much for all the likes <333"





tw: ed

@larcenistarsonist group

I hate playing truth or dare because I don't wanna get up from my comfy seat on the couch for any dares and all the truth questions always resort to: "who would you kiss in the room?" or "who is the cutest here?" or "do you have a crush on someone"

I guess that's what I get for hanging out with straight people though

@HighPockets group

It makes you sound like a shitty wannabe lawyer
Honestly I hate truth or dare in general (probably a side effect of being closeted for so long tbh) bc I feel like unless you really know the group, the questions get way too sexual and/or personal and the dares get anywhere from stupid to dangerous. And if I'm with a group I actually like, I feel like we know each other well enough for the truths to be boring. I'd rather play Quiplash or something and not just bc I usually win

@Katastrophic group

Fakin' it is another Jackbox game, it's in a pack with quiplash. When my friends want to play truth or dare we play that cause it has similar vibes but its actually fun

@larcenistarsonist group

mm hate how people are always telling me to ask for help if I need it

Yes, I'm aware that there are people out there who will be willing to help me if and when I need it but I just can't. It's like some psychological thing that just screws me over. I need to figure things out by myself, that's how my brain works. And if someone explains it to me or just tries to help it just makes things worse.

Yes, Cheryl, I know people are willing to help, I'm just not willing to let them because I know it won't be any good


mm hate how people are always telling me to ask for help if I need it

Yes, I'm aware that there are people out there who will be willing to help me if and when I need it but I just can't. It's like some psychological thing that just screws me over. I need to figure things out by myself, that's how my brain works. And if someone explains it to me or just tries to help it just makes things worse.

Yes, Cheryl, I know people are willing to help, I'm just not willing to let them because I know it won't be any good

that's honestly me too, I hate when someone helps me, or not being able to do something, not even figure it out on my own, and ask for help. I honestly hate it, just like when teachers tell me I can speak; no one will judge me, like yes I know this Madame Townsend, but I literally cannot do it, I tell myself to do it, but I just cant.
now please stop calling on me, and giving me panic attacks in french class.

@requiemisback language

when my dads compare me to a 5 yr old [via saying "a 5 yr old could do this better than you"] B) i get that i act childish but that doesn't give them the right to make that comparison grrr