forum Talk about things you hate without judgement.
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 105 followers

Deleted user

So… yeah.

Rules are:
Don't be bigoted. Saying something like "all trans people should die" or even "why are trans people so obsessed with gender" won't fly here. If someone says a thing is bigoted, it probably is.
No threats, bullying, or harrasment. This is ultimately a safe space.
Censor anything NSFW, there are younguns on this site.
Add content warnings for more disturbing stuff.
Be nice and respectful.

Now go on and complain, you little monsters!

Deleted user

So, a small list of things I hate:

"Adult" tv shows like South Park or Hazbin Hotel
People getting all weird about 9/11 and using it as an excuse to be racist and islamophobic.
The plastic packaging on scissors
people misgendering me

Deleted user

Right now, it's just this book being blatantly transphobic, trump supporters, the fact that my family wants to put up a trump flag, and the color burnt orange.

@Becfromthedead group

  • People who ship real life people
  • Weirdly obsessive Kpop stans- you're allowed to like things, and you're allowed to find people attractive and otherwise compelling. Also when that's all someone talks about. Hey, I think Kpop music is a good vibe, just please don't make your whole personality liking Kpop (I know some people who do… I know some Kpop stans on this site, and that's not necessarily directed at any of them bc I don't know them well. I'm talking about some irl people)
  • That feeling of helplessness in the face of the political climate, and all the bad events going on in the world
  • The sheer hostility that sometimes goes on in my work environment
  • People sharing misinformation and being rude about COVID-19 on my graduating class's group chat and getting all huffy and defensive when I (someone trained in the field) try to correct them
  • People who answer "acab" with "not all cops"- like bitch, we know not all cops are bad individual people, but they do all participate in a rotten, corrupt system! That's the point!
  • 8 am classes
  • The idea of having to deal with my mom's side of the family at my eventual wedding. Maybe I just won't invite some people… (maybe not even my grandparents…)
  • People going to frat parties in the middle of a pandemic. I put my life on hold. You can too.
  • How gottdam expensive healthcare is. Look, I apparently have been suffering from a sleep disorder + chronic sleep deprivation for 4+ years, I just want treatment so I can live like a normal human beingggg
  • "edginess" that's literally just being an ass
  • Having to fake being nice to someone, even though you hate their guts because they've crossed the line too many times, and only NOW have your friends confronted him about it, and NOW he gets a second chance- but he's still annoying, and probably walking on damn eggshells. (Bro, I'm talking misogyny, transphobia, and just generally a really weird and not so pleasant dude)


okay BIG agree on the color burnt orange, who looks at that and says 'i want to wear this' like im sorry, that's such an ugly color. so is chartreuse though so.

also i seriously cannot stand flies. we get so many of them in our house because they wait outside the door and fly in during the traffic with the dogs, and then they don't leave and every time you even sit still for a second they're suddenly in your face. and they get worse on hot days and it's just. ugh. i hate them. and mosquitos.

also grape jelly beans are bad

Deleted user

Please body, you already put me through enough pain why won't you let me have clear skin?

Deleted user

Literally any time someone uses Vodou/Voodoo as a plot device for “scary evil magic”. The only time I trust people using Vodou/Voodoo in a story is if they actually practice it. Same goes for Hoodoo.

Deleted user

Erasers. These little pink devils make an absolute mess, and days later I still find the little pieces from them in my shirt. How!? Just use a pen!

@nebula__ group

White Chocolate. I personally don't like white chocolate, because it feels like a cheap knockoff of the actually good chocolates (milk chocolate, dark chocolate, etc). I just want to buy every bag and container of white chocolate and throw them all into a fire.

Deleted user

  • When people automatically assume that me and a guy are dating if I hug him, compliment him, talk to him, wave at him, or interact with him in any way. Like seriously we are mutual friends.
  • When people come to me with their drama. Please don't. Keep that to yourself and those involved.
  • When people lean over my shoulder to look at my phone.
  • The sound of styrofoam.
  • Sun flares in photos.
  • When people ship two guys/girls together when neither of the characters are gay. cough Harry and Draco cough
  • When a group is taking a photo and someone goes, "Now let's take a silly one!" Just. No. Please stop.
  • Overreacting.
  • Stick glue. It's messy and somehow disgusting. I don't like it.

Deleted user

consider: all glue is icky. I hate all of it

all the glue's icky cause it has to be sticky

This is true. But there is something about stick glue that I don't like. It makes me hate it more than I hate other glues.

@nebula__ group

I have a newfound hate for cheese pizza thanks to my school- they made every other pizza taste good and the cheese pizza tastes like crap compared to their other pizzas. i feel like they did it on purpose so everybody would buy their buffalo chicken pizza. their buffalo chicken pizza is rockin' by the way-