Also known as
only tomat. you probably don't have the permission to call him by his other names. he/she.
tomat is a young writer born with a purpose to change the world. he's the one who dares to brave the lightning's glow. drowns in depths of music, in liminal spaces, in beauty of small things, in memes. both father and mother of all. remembers, even if he doesn't know he does. loves dogs, cats, birds, snakes, cute boys and girls, storms, conifers, fogs, and deep dark forests.
A³, 20, real name unknown. don't hesitate to strike up a conversation with him. maybe that's what he needs right now.
everything. he's a renaissance man.
Favorite Genre
fantasy. he likes to be wild.
Favorite Author
he himself
Favorite Book
his own. 1/6 done
Favorite Quote
the alphabet. abcdefghkiljnmpoqrwstuxyz. what a beautiful thing
all of them
to my fellow writers
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research about killing off characters in a novel part 2
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research about killing off characters in a novel
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nostalgic music that makes your heart do the thing
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