forum Talk about things you hate without judgement.
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 105 followers

Deleted user

I hate people who think being rude/disrespectful is being "real" or "edgy" And I highkey see it quite frequently on this site.



the freakishly large starter lip rings they have to put in when you get pierced. i understand it's to factor in swelling, but my lip did not swell large enough for it to need to be that big. cleaning is a thing too, but would a few sizes down really be that difficult to clean? no

Deleted user

and that if you put different cheese ontop of it on a grilled cheese, you can't really taste it

@Becfromthedead group

Oh mood. Chicago style somehow manages to be worse though. They use it for philosophy and religion and it killed me in my religion class in college lmao
(God bless APA for being easier)

Deleted user

Oh god yeah, no one ever managed to explain to me what the hell it was but excpeted me to write every single thing ever in it


Spotify ads. I keep getting one that's like "mask, spacesuits, condoms. You know what they have in common? They only work if you use them."


I hate when the leaves don't go from green to yellow to orange to red to dead and instead just go from green to puke to dead. That's boring, gimme some color.

@spacebluelily language

I hate when my teachers mark me absent. I'm in the fucking zoom class. I answer the god damn attendance questions. Why the fucking hell are you marking me absent? I feel like my teachers just want to get me in trouble with my parents, and when I email them about why I was marked absent they always use the same excuse. That they marked me absent by accident.

Deleted user

Spotify ads. I keep getting one that's like "mask, spacesuits, condoms. You know what they have in common? They only work if you use them."



Spotify ads. I keep getting one that's like "mask, spacesuits, condoms. You know what they have in common? They only work if you use them."


i mean they aren't wrong but spotify needs to cool it with the weird ads in the middle of my playlist

Deleted user

Idk what I’m doing but Bill Cipher can suck my dick. I hate that stupid fucking triangle I’m going to kill him.

Deleted user

Starbucks hot chocolate. IT's literally SO disgusting and don't understand how people enjoy it.

Nutella. I-
It's literally disgusting first of all and it takes perfectly good chocolate and RUINS it.

Those white boys on tiktok with perms who literally mouth words in front of cameras while trying to be sexy. I physically cannot explain how much that repulses me.

Watermelon. Don't get me wrong, watermelon can be really good, but it's practically impossible to get good watermelon. There always something wrong with it wether it be texture or taste or whatever.

Chesscake. I just can't. No.


Starbucks hot chocolate. IT's literally SO disgusting and don't understand how people enjoy it.

fun fact:

that's because they burn it most of the time. that's why it sucks, is so acidic all the time, etc. because they burn it. just get the refreshers and find a cute local drive through coffee place lmao

Deleted user

Those white boys on tiktok with perms who literally mouth words in front of cameras while trying to be sexy. I physically cannot explain how much that repulses me.