forum Talk about things you hate without judgement.
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@Becfromthedead group

I mean, imo it makes your opinions more informed when you do have to vote, but I'm also a lot more passionate about politics, so you can take that with a grain of salt.

@Becfromthedead group

Parents who act like they're trying to live through their children, especially by forcing goals and norms on their kids that were theirs growing up or something

@HighPockets group

people who regularly mix up things like their/they're/there, two/to/too, and other. in a roleplay sense and a general sense. every time i see it i'm like 'did you…not go to second grade when they taught the difference?'

it's even funnier when you know that some of the people i see it most from are facebook friends of mine who, get this

went to second grade with me and sat through the exact same lessons the days i did

Dude I shit you not, in the non-Honors English 9 class at my old school the kids had to take a there/their/they're test-

@larcenistarsonist group

people who regularly mix up things like their/they're/there, two/to/too, and other. in a roleplay sense and a general sense. every time i see it i'm like 'did you…not go to second grade when they taught the difference?'

it's even funnier when you know that some of the people i see it most from are facebook friends of mine who, get this

went to second grade with me and sat through the exact same lessons the days i did

Dude I shit you not, in the non-Honors English 9 class at my old school the kids had to take a there/their/they're test-

I can't even imagine… I'm in Honors 9 right now and like- how do- what??

@spacebluelily language

I hate when my Hamilton playlist goes from Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story to The World Was Wide Enough to Ten Duel Commandments.
I did not sign up to go on an emotional rollercoaster. This is what I get by putting on it on shuffle.

Deleted user

Parents who think their children's bodies are their property.

THIISS!! My sister can't get her ears pierced because my mom said no.


Parents who think their children's bodies are their property.

THIISS!! My sister can't get her ears pierced because my mom said no.

OMG! My mom won't let me change or shower in peace without her barging in and complains when I try to cover myself.


Parents who think their children's bodies are their property.

THIISS!! My sister can't get her ears pierced because my mom said no.

I don't get why parents won't let their kids get ear piercings like I've had my ears pierced since I was a baby i really can't think of any reason why not to

@larcenistarsonist group

I hate it when my mom just walks in my room and sits on my bed while I'm doing homework and just sits there and silently judges me and what I'm watching on TV. I also hate it when my family yells at me for closing my bedroom door.


Parents who think their children's bodies are their property.

THIISS!! My sister can't get her ears pierced because my mom said no.

I don't get why parents won't let their kids get ear piercings like I've had my ears pierced since I was a baby i really can't think of any reason why not to

i also hate the parents that force their like four year olds to get piercings even when the kid is screaming and crying

@HighPockets group

I've just…never gotten the appeal of piercings? Like they're cute on other people and some earrings are cute but I don't have any desire to poke open my ear-flesh and stick metal into it.


I can understand not letting your child do things with their body like

  • get tattoos
  • do drugs
  • yiffy wiffy a bunch of strangers

but harmless things such as like, dying your hair ???
why wouldn't you let them do that

@Becfromthedead group

Because boomers think dying your hair makes it so that no one wants to hire you!
Not my parents that said that, but my grandparents. And guess what? I have a very good job rn.


ha. i got lucky, my mom doesn't give a shit at all to a certain point. i have two piercings in my lip and have been dyeing and shaving my hair for years. she used to dye my brothers' hair when they were like six and even younger. we all never grew out of it. though unfortunately, now whenever my friends' strict parents meet me, i am instantly judged lmao.

i'm a very sweet child so usually it's never to my face, but i have no doubt a few of them have gone home and talked shit about my future job prospects

@HighPockets group

The most severe thing I've done is bob my hair, but that's because I hate change and also am lazy and don't like pain lol
But if I got a tattoo or something I doubt that they'd really care, although I guess it'd depend on the tattoo. They were fine with me dying my hair too, I just…never did because again, I'm lazy.

@larcenistarsonist group

I wanna dye my hair dark purple so bad but I already go to a school jack-full of mormons who will no doubt judge me more. they already hate me for being pansexual, nihilistic, being smarter than the majority of them, and being my snarky self I seriously don't care, but like when their bad judgement of me hits the teachers before they get me is when it really pisses me off.


honestly i can't really blame parents for saying no face tattoos tho. like, that is one thing that can cause issues, and it's a pain in the ass to cover up regularly

Deleted user

But, I dont think parents should restrict kids from getting tattoos or piercings cause it doesnt effect them in any way shape or form. It's not them getting stabbed with a needle it's the kid. Also, the kid has to deal with so if they mess up, it's the kids fault and they have to live with it. I just dont see the reason for parents to restrict these kinds of things. Like warning kids about stupid things that can happen, great make sure they are well educated before they permenatly mark themself, but restricting?? That should be anyone's choice but the person who wants to get a tattoo or piercing.


it's…called parenting. that's their job. they're supposed to try to teach you the consequences before you ever actually do the thing, so that when you're out in the real world you can actually thrive. dyeing your hair and getting piercings are one thing, because those aren't permanent, and if a child ever grows to regret that, they can just let it fix itself. but a tattoo, especially something on your face, that you got during a time when your brain was very much not ready for big, long term choices, is worth stopping. my parents say no to a face tattoo because they love me and seriously want me to live the best life i can, and they know that i'll regret it when some day i'm turned down for the job of my dreams(some jobs wouldn't care, and that's fine and great) because i was a stupid teenager.

teenagers are literally known for dumb impulse decisions. your parents shouldn't let you get your face tattooed


My parents think that dyeing your hair and getting piercings means you're a devil worshipper.

you should tell em some of us are actually pagan, thank you very much

@larcenistarsonist group

My parents think that dyeing your hair and getting piercings means you're a devil worshipper.

you should tell em some of us are actually pagan, thank you very much

and that a whole lot of us are agnostic thank you very much

@Becfromthedead group

Tbf in the US, you can't get a tattoo under 18. And you can get one between 16-18 with parental permission. But no parent should be telling their adult kid what to do with their body.