forum Talk about things you hate without judgement.
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 105 followers

Deleted user

When I take a sip of my hot cocoa and it's still hot.. ;-;

Deleted user

i hate that i can't paint on my walls. it's a reasonable thing that i'm not allowed to, but still lol

Deleted user

Yanderes, and if you don’t know what those are let me tell you I am so glad for you.

Deleted user

It’s creepy okay! And abusive! Stalkers, even for “love”, are bad!


Watching people I roleplay with reply to random chats/general discussions instead of replying to our roleplay they've been ignoring for a solid week
Or any amount of time
Roleplays always take precedent over chats for me hh
Like I started a bunch of new roleplays because people keep going inactive or ignoring me/replying to other roleplays even
I don't think I'm that bad of a roleplayer?? Several of my roleplays I always try to get out really decent replies
The only roleplays that are really active are the ones with people who are very active, but not willing to get out more than a low quality sentence or two and I try to match my partner's length as well as I can but ashjkfl
It really makes me lose interest in them and people won't reply to the ones that I love the most

@spacebluelily language

Watching people I roleplay with reply to random chats/general discussions instead of replying to our roleplay they've been ignoring for a solid week
Or any amount of time
Roleplays always take precedent over chats for me hh
Like I started a bunch of new roleplays because people keep going inactive or ignoring me/replying to other roleplays even
I don't think I'm that bad of a roleplayer?? Several of my roleplays I always try to get out really decent replies
The only roleplays that are really active are the ones with people who are very active, but not willing to get out more than a low quality sentence or two and I try to match my partner's length as well as I can but ashjkfl
It really makes me lose interest in them and people won't reply to the ones that I love the most

I hate it when that happens. I have one person who's been responding to their other roleplays and random chats, but never to ours.

Deleted user

Watching people I roleplay with reply to random chats/general discussions instead of replying to our roleplay they've been ignoring for a solid week
Or any amount of time
Roleplays always take precedent over chats for me hh
Like I started a bunch of new roleplays because people keep going inactive or ignoring me/replying to other roleplays even
I don't think I'm that bad of a roleplayer?? Several of my roleplays I always try to get out really decent replies
The only roleplays that are really active are the ones with people who are very active, but not willing to get out more than a low quality sentence or two and I try to match my partner's length as well as I can but ashjkfl
It really makes me lose interest in them and people won't reply to the ones that I love the most

I hate it when that happens. I have one person who's been responding to their other roleplays and random chats, but never to ours.

(Imma ask real quick: Is that person me? Just curious…)

Deleted user

(I was actually asking Laffy-Taffy, sorry for the confusion!)

Deleted user

(Imma ask real quick: Is that person me? Just curious…)

(No, of course not.)

(Oh, okay! My bad!)

Deleted user

Also, Unpopular opinion apparently: I can't stand sheps

Popular with me. Sheep are okay from a distance, but up close the are terrifying little bastards.


The weird dog/sheep hybrid thing or whatever that Murphy made
Everyone seems to think they're the best thing ever, but I can't stand them