forum Talk about things you hate without judgement.
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@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

I hate:

  • Mustard yellow clothing. When I'm trying to get clothing and the shops decide its mustard yellow season for no reason
  • Red light. When a room is lit with only red light, I hate it so much
  • When people copy my movements. Especially since quite a lot of my movements are stims, if people copy them, I can start to panic
  • Pizza. Its gross okay?
  • That whenever I'm at a party of any sort pizza is the go to food and I have to have gross pizza place wedges or something

Same, same, same, same and same

Deleted user

cishet woman telling me that certain things aren't transphobic


How hard it is to be a woman or AFAB in the doctors office and trying to get the doctor to believe you. Trying to get basic healthcare, trying not to sound too crazy but not too relaxed about whatever your complaining about to them. Do men realize that's a thing? Do men realize doctors literally just won't believe us and won't do anything about our illnesses? Modern medicine is unintentionally sexist, too, since most symptom and disease models are based off of what men experience. But men and women almost always present differently in the case of the same disease.

Deleted user

The fact that people are INTENTIONALLY racist/sexist/homophobic/bigoted in this day and age. JUST BE KIND TO EACH OTHER!! How hard is that to understand?

@Becfromthedead group

Well, it goes beyond being kind to others, unfortunately. It extends to being willing to treat everyone equitably rather than equally.
Because you see sexism and racism in healthcare, for example. It doesn't always happen with malicious intent, but it does cause harm.

Deleted user

Well, it goes beyond being kind to others, unfortunately. It extends to being willing to treat everyone equitably rather than equally.
Because you see sexism and racism in healthcare, for example. It doesn't always happen with malicious intent, but it does cause harm.

how hard is that to do though? I mean, if everyone tried their best at it. It's just upsetting to me

@Becfromthedead group

Some people think 'good intent' without educating themselves on actual issues is enough. So I mean, a lot of people "try."
It is very upsetting how closed-minded people can be though. Tbf a lot of people think racism is over besides a few rotten individuals. Same with sexism.

Deleted user

Some people think 'good intent' without educating themselves on actual issues is enough. So I mean, a lot of people "try."
It is very upsetting how closed-minded people can be though. Tbf a lot of people think racism is over besides a few rotten individuals. Same with sexism.

I myself fall into this trap. I try to remind myself that it's not over, not even by a long shot, but my brain doesn't like cold hard facts

Deleted user

Honestly, it’s an issue with the system, not strictly individuals. But as individuals, it is our job to dismantle harmful systems to create equity and true freedom for all.

Deleted user

I really hate just feeling crappy out of no where, like, motivation? gone. Depression? Fuckin back babey

Deleted user

I fucking hate anime. I can't stand it. It grosses me out and I hate how many people are, like, obsessed with it. I don't like the art style and I hate how sexualized it is and I just despise it.


I fucking hate anime. I can't stand it. It grosses me out and I hate how many people are, like, obsessed with it. I don't like the art style and I hate how sexualized it is and I just despise it.

i don't think it deserves the insane hype, but i have found some that aren't overly sexualized and actually feature really good and wholesome characters, messages, and plots. but big fair on the art style. rip @ ash but i can't do the one piece art style


Sometimes the art style gets on my nerves, but if there's a good story then I don't mind. Not that I've ever watched an anime lol. The thing that irks me is how every female love interest looks like a toddler and they're hyper sexualized.


Honestly, all cartoons are like that. Some are good, some aren’t.
Have y’all seen how ugly American cartoons are? I kept getting ads for this one called Big Mouth and the visuals alone made me lose hope in television, not to mention the content

Deleted user

Adult Cartoons like Big Mouth, Family Guy, Hazbin Hotel, etc, always suck in terms of both art and plot. Like…. just ew.