forum Talk about things you hate without judgement.
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@Becfromthedead group

Also she tried to gauge interest in replacing dissection with a completely virtual thing. We're a college with a pretty med program. Some people need that experience, and dissecting an animal virtually just doesn't cut it. Also usually they're animals that were going to be killed anyway/are already dead soooo???

@larcenistarsonist group

Where I live we have a street called "Chicken Dinner Road" and PETA actually wrote a letter to our governor asking him to change the name because it was "offensive to chickens"

I'm still laughing at it today XD

Deleted user

Gum. I hate it.

I don't really know why, but something about it is just so disgusting to me.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Having braces
Can't have popcorn, no taffy, no gum, I can't even bite into an apple without almost losing a brace, I can't have any of my favorite candies

Does that mean I don't eat those things?

But it hurts

Deleted user


Deleted user

Having braces
Can't have popcorn, no taffy, no gum, I can't even bite into an apple without almost losing a brace, I can't have any of my favorite candies

Does that mean I don't eat those things?

But it hurts

I've had braces for 2 days and I'm already tired of them. They suck.

Deleted user

  • When people text me, I respond within the minute, and they don't respond for like another hour. Where tf did you go?? Come back!
  • When people comment when I have a zit. Like, "ReAlLy?? I had no idea that was there! Thank you for pointing it out for me."
  • Jell-o. It's disgusting.
  • When I have to repeat myself because someone was being a jerk and didn't listen. Like, if you didn't listen, that's your own damn fault, ya should have listened the first time!
  • When people crease the binding of a book by folding the page all the way around the book. It physically hurts me.
  • When girls think they are quirky for drawing on themselves with a pen…
  • Calling people. I don't know what it is, but my anxiety levels increase dramatically whenever I call someone. Like I'd rather talk face-to-face than call someone.

@Pickles group

When people say stuff like "I'm better than you but I'm not good" like I know I'm bad but you didn't have to say it. It's especially annoying when they ARE good

@larcenistarsonist group

I always feel like my friends have a different group chat without me on it and my anxiety levels sky rocket but I know they don't and I hate that I can't help thinking that they do…

@Pickles group

I always feel like my friends have a different group chat without me on it and my anxiety levels sky rocket but I know they don't and I hate that I can't help thinking that they do…

Ahhhhhh SAME
I also get anxious when I remember that they have one on one conversations and talk when I'm not there

Deleted user

I always feel like my friends have a different group chat without me on it and my anxiety levels sky rocket but I know they don't and I hate that I can't help thinking that they do…

Ahhhhhh SAME
I also get anxious when I remember that they have one on one conversations and talk when I'm not there

Mine do have a group chat without me :P Although, I don't know if they use it.


I always feel like my friends have a different group chat without me on it and my anxiety levels sky rocket but I know they don't and I hate that I can't help thinking that they do…

Ahhhhhh SAME
I also get anxious when I remember that they have one on one conversations and talk when I'm not there

Mine do have a group chat without me :P Although, I don't know if they use it.

throwback to that one time an entire club had a group chat without me :)

Deleted user

I hate it when I go on a walk thinking, "Oh it's cold outside, no one will be outside today," and then I go out with my two hyperactive doggos who don't know how to chill, looking like trash only to see the most attractive girl I have ever seen in my entire life!! How dare she look that good when I wasn't prepared for it >:( And for the entire rest of the walk I couldn't get her face out of my head, because she was so damn cute!!

Deleted user

I hate gym class for 3 main reasons.

1) I just don't really like it. It makes me feel insecure when I'm not as talented as other people.

2) It makes me feel SO. FLIPPING. BAD. I'm constantly stuck between being forgotten and messing up. People usually don't pass to me because I'm not very good, but when they don't pass to me, I immediately feel irrelevant, forgotten, and useless. On the other hand, when people do toss to me, I usually end up messing up, and then I feel like a failure who just wants to disappear from the face of the earth.

3) My teacher just kind of sucks. He has the most stereotypical and condescending British accent ever and he just acts like he knows best. Not to mention that he compared talking in class to serious gender and race issues. He makes us go outside every day and tell us to dress for the weather.

@larcenistarsonist group

I hate it when my friends overreact. Like I just said that they were attractive I'm not going to marry them dammit.

I also hate my best friend's girlfriend who doesn't treat him right. She's so jealous and sensitive and flips a lid whenever he talks to me or my other two best friends. She's also scared of commitment but refuses to let him talk to other girls???

@furetakunai ac_unit

I absolutely hate when people tell me "if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all."
Like, excuse me,

fuck no.

If I have something I wanna speak out against, there's no way in the name of this dying blue sphere we call Earth, that I will just put a zipper on it. You can take your little peacemaker wannabe words, and choke. On. Them.

@Pickles group

Tw for body/weight stuff

I also hate that I can't hold a conversation, my skin, being queer, and my tendency to isolate myself and make myself lonelier when I'm mad at myself

Deleted user

I just watched this asshole and my friend yell at eachother and I hated it so much
this dickhead was trying to say that he would be a bystander to human rights