forum Talk about things you hate without judgement.
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people_alt 105 followers


The idea that everyone who likes true crime is glorifying/romanticizing serial killers

people who glorify serial killers are bad. people who take an interest in true crime and learning about serial killers are just fine. and actually, i like to think the people who are interested by those subjects are just a tidge more likely to survive certain events

Deleted user

I hate putting band aids on my fingers. One way or another, I end up with my circulation getting cut off and the tip of my finger feeling cold and it's uncomfortable and it just sucks.

@Becfromthedead group

I brought this upon myself BUT
I went to get a bagel at like 10:30 tonight, and I was in a warm drink kind of mood, so I got coffee. But they were out of decaf, so here I am, very awake at 2:40 am.
I have work at 8 tomorrow :)

@nebula__ group

i hate it when people say "wake up" even though i'm wide awake already, like,,, it just makes my anxiety skyrocket and it drives me insane-

Deleted user

I really hate when something happens to people I care about and I can't do anything about it

@nebula__ group

yesterday my ex texted me for a good hour or so then when i called her the first thing she said was "wake up" and i immediately had a mental breakdown hhh

Deleted user

When lip-syncing or movements don't match up to the beat/words. I despise it. Like, it's really not that hard to do it correctly.

@Pickles group

People that refuse to unlearn their unjustified hatred and just go "well you're wrong" when you present them with science and actual evidence


People that refuse to unlearn their unjustified hatred and just go "well you're wrong" when you present them with science and actual evidence

Bruh my mom yesterday tried to say intersex people weren't real because "where in the Bible does it say-" and "God made them male and female" and "there are only two genders in real life"
Even if sex and gender were the same thing, there wouldn't be just two genders.

I guess she's just never heard of intersex before? Cuz if they exist her "biblical" gender theory comes toppling down since it would appear God did not just make male and female.

Deleted user

How is intersex existence even a debate lmao, it's a real medical thing


My school didn't talk about it at all. Not even during sex ed. They also weren't allowed to talk about certain reproductive conditions like PCOS, and my teacher wasn't allowed to answer a question about female arousal (he actually lied about it and when I gave him a look he backtracked and said we couldn't discuss it).

@furetakunai ac_unit

It wasn't written in my school's curriculum, but I asked to talk about it a little because I felt like more people needed to know about it. But that was quite a leap for me because I panic during public speaking. I shook like I was standing on a jackhammer.