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@larcenistarsonist group

I also despise it when the teacher paires you up with the "high-energy redhead jock with the attention span of a goldfish who brings their basketball/football/baseball/bouncyball/stressball to class every single day" because you have an A and don't put up with shit.

@HighPockets group

Or when they expect that just bc you have good grades you can do stuff like lead the Socratic seminar or "take control" of a breakout room where no one's making any effort to talk or do work :/

@requiemisback language

or when they think that just because you draw as a pastime means you're going to be willing to take an art class
saying this because i was technically pushed into taking an art class, thanks ms. guidance counselor <3

@Pickles group

Or when you don't turn in an assignment or two because you've had a rough day/week and they're like "oh, I expect better from you" istg

especially when you did it on time and put in the same amount of effort as you always do but somehow it's worse? I've had teachers compare my procrastinated until the absolute half hour work to my "i actually spent time on this and tried" work and say the latter isn't as good

@larcenistarsonist group

I've literally done a 7 page argumentative essay in 40 minutes and got a 98% and when we did a narrative piece, I spent a good week or two on it and got a 90%. I know that's not much of a point difference but GOD was I pissed.

@Becfromthedead group

Those "juicy" lip glosses, but they look straight up wet. Normal lip glosses and things that add a little shine are fine, but your lips shouldn't look wet???

@requiemisback language

going back to the topic of teachers rq-
my old teachers (from when i was in florida) who wouldn't accept certain assignments unless they were written in cursive. ew <3

@ClownB*tch eco

To every gatekeeping southerner/midwesterner:

My mom is from the midwest. My dad spent half his life in the midwest. My Grandma grew up in and spent most her life in the midwest. My Grandpa grew up in and spent most his life in the midwest. Let me say yall, like it's not that hard to understand that my family is from the midwest and I picked things up!!

@Katastrophic group

To every gatekeeping southerner/midwesterner:

My mom is from the midwest. My dad spent half his life in the midwest. My Grandma grew up in and spent most her life in the midwest. My Grandpa grew up in and spent most his life in the midwest. Let me say yall, like it's not that hard to understand that my family is from the midwest and I picked things up!!

Imagine gatekeeping a conjunction of all things. Some people need hobbies.

@Becfromthedead group

Pfffft ikr
I might just be biased because I'm from the south, but y'all is a good word. It's inherently a gender neutral way to refer to a group of people, and it rolls off the tongue more easily than "you guys," "you all," or whatever else you might be saying.


I like when people say ya'll but it doesn't come off my tongue easy. I grew up in the north mid-west where everyone says "you guys." In the west people some people don't understand me when I say "you guys'." I think I've talked about it before. I also can't say the word "cougar" comfortably, they're just pumas to me.

@spacebluelily language

The fact that we need sleep to proper functionally.
I would love to stay awake all night (without suffering any consequences) to finish a good amount of my missing homework instead of sleeping to "recharge" and having to do it during classes and missing that day's homework.

@Becfromthedead group

Yeah, no, even as a grown ass human being, I'm still faking a lot around my parents.
Trying to work on that though. As I gain more independence, either they'll accept me, or they won't. And I'm prepared to just bail if they don't.

@HighPockets group

I wish there were a sleeping pill that replaced your need for sleep and fought off fatigue

I wish there were sleeping pills that knocked you out cold within like 10 minutes, falling asleep is insanely hard for me and I hate it


how i have to change my personality and hobbies to please my parents

^^^^^ yeah ew this

it sucks

I hate how my parents assume they can control ever aspect of my life, but then have the audacity to say i dont act the same as I used to like?? you?? did?? this?? to?? me??
you literally told me to do this and do that, which contradicts my personality, erasing it completely.