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@Becfromthedead group

In hindsight I'm even surprised that my sex ed was as comprehensive as it was, considering I live in Georgia. Like you'd think they'd go abstinence only, but all things considered, mine wasn't half bad for deep south.

Deleted user

we just kinda figured it out and then in eighth grade we talked about periods and erections (mostly so each gender could 'understand' the other more)

I don't think my school has an actual sex ed class

@Pickles group

I mean…we have health class? And there's like a section about the yiffy, but it's mostly like "hey don't get pregnant that's BAD"
But it's not a sex ed class

Deleted user

I took an abstinence only sex ed class, it sucked and I remember nothing except one time the teacher brought us all pizza for some reason.

@HighPockets group

There was a mandatory (iirc) health class in 10th grade, and it was a mix of "don't drink or do drugs", mental health stuff/annotating The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, a few people who came in to give special talks (anti-vaping, suicide prevention, sexual assault but specifically date r*pe, and contraceptives), and then we finished the semester on first aid and CPR certification.
My teacher was awful and the time given to each topic felt pretty disjointed, like we spent multiple class periods annotating that book but we only talked about STDs for half of one.

@HighPockets group

@Pickles group


ngl my middle school had a really good sex ed curriculum. In 5th grade, they took us to this health center and they taught us about puberty and stuff and then again in 8th grade, that health orginization came to our class for like a week and taught us about safe sex, healthy relationships, etc. They also taught us about different kinds of sex but I missed that one day and came back very freaked out.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Our puberty talk told us we'd get periods and that's it

We had that too, they separated the girls and the boys and apparently they had to pause the video multiple times for the boys because they couldn't stop laughing


In hindsight I'm even surprised that my sex ed was as comprehensive as it was, considering I live in Georgia. Like you'd think they'd go abstinence only, but all things considered, mine wasn't half bad for deep south.

Mine was horrible and I live in Georgia. My school had this speaker come to tell all the girls they'd be like chewed up bubble gum/crumpled up money if they had sex.

@HighPockets group

In hindsight I'm even surprised that my sex ed was as comprehensive as it was, considering I live in Georgia. Like you'd think they'd go abstinence only, but all things considered, mine wasn't half bad for deep south.

Mine was horrible and I live in Georgia. My school had this speaker come to tell all the girls they'd be like chewed up bubble gum/crumpled up money if they had sex.

Crumpled up money is still money though? A crumpled $20 bill is still a $20 bill, even their own slutshamey analogy doesn't make sense.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Has anyone ever watched videos of people reacting to old sex ed videos?

I've seen this one one vine:

"What if I want to have sex before I get married?"
"Well then, you'll just have to be prepared to die."


Has anyone ever watched videos of people reacting to old sex ed videos?

I've seen this one one vine:

"What if I want to have sex before I get married?"
"Well then, you'll just have to be prepared to die."

somebody get the mean girls quote–