forum Talk about things you hate without judgement.
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@Becfromthedead group

I hate how COLD it is in my office building.
When I work from home, I can at least hide in blankets. But I have on long pants, boots, and a blazer, and I'm still freezing.

@Pickles group

People that can't do basic algebra? Like bitch tf you doing sitting in class, looking at everyone's explanations for this VERY SIMPLE THING YOU LEARN IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL and still not knowing how to undo fucking pemdas
Homeschooled people excluded because they're not actually being taught. But still, if people keep explaining it to you and it's two very simple calculations to get the answer, you don't have an excuse to not be able to do it

@ccb group

taking criticism is hard, it's a learning curve, i understand that. i really do. but it's also part of any creative writing class, we have to workshop, it comes with the territory. and this kid in my playwriting class wrote a play that dealt with sensitive topics (suicide, mental illness, chronic illness, etc) in a way that most of us felt was misinformed and careless. we told him this respectfully and politely, y'know, as ya do in a workshop-based creative writing class. and his next play. the one that we table-read today. was an snl-cold-open-style sketch where trump and biden were debating whether his last play was good or not and like clowning everyone in the class for "not wanting to deal with the issues."

  1. if this debate sketch script was funny, i could maybe get behind it, but it wasn't, and it was kind of bound not to be because what a hack overused concept
  2. my one-act is entirely about a character coping with mental illness and a friend's suicide. we workshopped my first draft last week and the class loved it. because it was good and because i dealt with the subject responsibly. it's not that we don't want to "deal with the issues," it's that you weren't dealing with the issues king, you were using them for shock value
  3. have fun taking the L on your grade for this one because you wanted to toss a weak gotcha to your class that was just trying to do its job and help you improve your writing

i get it, i've been a writing major for over 2 years now, i know it's hard to put something out there and have it receive negative feedback. i get being kind of sad and disappointed when that happens. but why are you taking this class if you aren't at least willing to try and accept critique gracefully??

@HighPockets group

You can't just toss in sensitive issues for shock value, a darker tone, edginess, etc., you need to actually deal with them and do so in a respectful way or not at all.

@ccb group

exactly!!! lend these subjects the weight they deserve, and if you refuse to, don't act shocked when people find your work insensitive!!

@HighPockets group

Fucking migraines. It's been a while since I've had one, but they always sucked. On a slightly related note, the headaches I'd get from the lights at school, can't say I miss those lol

@furetakunai ac_unit

People who argue with stuff purely based on misinformation and don't do any actually research. Nobody appreciates you, your uninformed ass, and what the hell your nosy self has to say about a situation you're not involved in/don't know anything about. Fuck o f f.


I hate waking up early
I also hate taking showers when your skin is so cracked and raw due to eczema that everything burns like hell
and I also hate that I have to do all three of these things if I wanna go to JoAnn’s today

Deleted user

God, eczema sucks.
Skin tips with Leo:
My doctor recommended Vanicream and it's honestly a lifesaver. After you shower pat your skin dry and apply the Vanicream, it's really thick and you might not be able to rub it in completely.
If your face is dry, try Cerave's daily moisturizing lotion (also recommended by doctor). It's really good. I went from not being able to smile without pain to being completely fine after a day of use.

@Becfromthedead group

Having to take days off of school/work suuucks. Especially if it's like a mental health day. Or a chronic health problem of some sort is acting up. It's like… I really don't wanna talk about it, but I promise I'm not just being lazy.


I hate people who will rant on and on to someone about their problems with another person but won’t do anything to work out those problems
If they actually can’t work those things out, for reasons personal and not, then that’s fine, but if it something easily solved with a talk, it’s annoying

Deleted user

I hate washing my hair any time that isn't at night. My hair is pretty curly (in the front mostly) so I have a specific way I gotta wash it, and I plop it when I'm done (basically tying it all up on top of my head). If I wash and plop it after I eat dinner and take it out right before I go to sleep, I have it plopped for the perfect amount of time. Today I had to wash it at like 1:00 and it's still plopped because I don't know what to do with myself auijdsufosidjo

@spacebluelily language

I hate it when my parents start yelling at me for not going a task their way. If you want me to do it your way, then maybe instead of making me do it, do it yourself. Whenever they do that, I get mad, and I stay like that the rest of the day, and then on the next day, I wake up with a headache and stomach ache because of how long I stayed mad.

@furetakunai ac_unit

I hate seeing things like "what does [insert emoji] mean from a guy???" and they're all like "tHeY'rE iN LoVe WiTh YoU!!!11!!1"
With all due respect, fuck off.

@nebula__ group

I hate seeing things like "what does [insert emoji] mean from a guy???" and they're all like "tHeY'rE iN LoVe WiTh YoU!!!11!!1"
With all due respect, fuck off.

oh god same-