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@larcenistarsonist group


pan means attracted to all

to be pan you aren't attracted to one gender. Gender isn't a factor in who you like. Pan is solely on personality, looks and other things. Gender isn't a factor. At least for me it isn't. I like a certain personality and look, it doesn't matter which gender they identify as.

@Pickles group

:( yikes
Like I shouldn't be surprised, but that's a thing?

Apparently? I hear about it a lot, but as far as I know I don't know anyone personally. But like. Ew
Trans men are men, you aren't queer for being a girl who likes them

@Becfromthedead group

I could see maybe mentioning it in a dating profile bc it saves trans men the trouble of finding out their partner is transphobic, but don't call yourself pan, honey.


I hate when people make assumptions about me, even if they're close to right (which is rare). Like when they say "you probably wouldn't like this," or "I don't think you'll get this," or "I probably know more about this/have more experience than you do."
Like shut up man.

Deleted user

I've met an annoying amount of girls who say they only like females and trans boys

It kinda rubs me wrong



pan means attracted to all

to be pan you aren't attracted to one gender. Gender isn't a factor in who you like. Pan is solely on personality, looks and other things. Gender isn't a factor. At least for me it isn't. I like a certain personality and look, it doesn't matter which gender they identify as.

wait tysm for explaining this bc i'm questioning and i relate to this a lot

@larcenistarsonist group


pan means attracted to all

to be pan you aren't attracted to one gender. Gender isn't a factor in who you like. Pan is solely on personality, looks and other things. Gender isn't a factor. At least for me it isn't. I like a certain personality and look, it doesn't matter which gender they identify as.

wait tysm for explaining this bc i'm questioning and i relate to this a lot


You're very welcome.

It look me a little bit to understand the differences between bi and pan, but I'm pretty sure I understand it now.

@Becfromthedead group

I mean, to some people, there's not a whole lot of difference. The matter of label can be personal preference. I consider myself bi because I do feel different attraction based on gender, despite having the potential to be attracted to any gender. Plus, it's just easier to explain to people.


for me its always been bi means two, pan means more than two. but lately its been changing a lot lmao, especially as i meet people who view bi the way i used to view pan

@Pickles group

Iirc, bi is technically defined as the two meaning same and different, so not just male and female, but a lot of people take it to mean two or more
It's just that enbies often get erased and forgotten, imo especially because of the influence of lesbian purity culture on bi girls and their disappointment about being attracted to men. And people like to intentionally erase enbies and intentionally misinterpret bisexuality to justify their transphobia (is there a specific word for nonbinary people and not trans binary?) and that misinterpretation can leak into the rest of the community who don't actually know any better


Pan: I dont really notice gender, so I like all genders
Omni: I take special notice to every gender, and am attracted to each
Bi: I'm attracted to more than one gender
Poly(sexual): I'm attracted to many, but not all genders

Deleted user

For me personally, I'm bi but only attracted to The Main Two: girls and the other one. Not enbys (though that makes me sad)

Deleted user

also, something I hate: Christmas. fuck christmas, man. fuck you santa claus.

@larcenistarsonist group

It's so freaking overrated. Where I live we get like 4 feet of snow and then it turns into slush and its gross. Plus I'm not a sentimental person. At all. So Christmas just seems so unnecessary. I'm terrible at gifts and I don't know how to accept stuff I feel like I don't deserve. And I hate Christmas time food. Like any baked goods to be are just ick.

Plus I'm atheist so the whole religious aspect of Christmas makes me feel really uncomfortable and out of place.

Deleted user

I like giving gifts, but I have a lot of fucked up memories from christmas and it's one of those days that makes me feel like I should be happy, and I'm not and then I feel like shit for not being happy and it just sucks

Deleted user

It'll also be the one year anniversary of the last time I saw my now dead father