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forum Talk about things you hate without judgement.
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people_alt 105 followers

@nebula__ group

i hate those people who are sad for like 1 minute and then immediately call themselves depressed-
like,,, just because you're sad for a split second doesn't mean you're suddenly depressed, nor should depression be taken as "if i'm sad for less than a day, i'm depressed" because it don't work like that

Deleted user

Parking.. Especially backing up into a parking spot, It sucks so much and I don't understand how my review mirrors are supposed to help at all. I just hate it.

Also, when people bite their popsicles. I don't trust those people.

@furetakunai ac_unit

Also I wish there were more makers for like, not human things. Though I understand it's more so an ability of what can and cannot be drawn across artists. Though I have found a cute Tiefling maker, so that's a big plus.

Deleted user

POV tik toks. They are just so weird. Especially of the ones that are like teen boys trying to seduce like 12 year-olds. It's just so wrong on so many levels.

@nebula__ group

POV tik toks. They are just so weird. Especially of the ones that are like teen boys trying to seduce like 12 year-olds. It's just so wrong on so many levels.

i agree, it's really weird and gross and just uGh cjuhbdehu

@nebula__ group

i also hate the challenges on tiktok that are really life-threatening