forum Talk about things you hate without judgement.
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@Becfromthedead group

  1. That guilt I feel when I buy anything for myself. Even if I need it.
  2. That fun little lack of motivation that kicks into gear come finals week.
  3. My family making rude comments in passing about my political stances. Then not having the will or energy to confront them.
  4. The fact that and I can't really do anything to help myself bc of my current physical and mental state
  5. Feeling bad and guilty about feeling disconnected from my family when they're the ones unknowingly saying shit about me and my friends to my face.
  6. Respecting my elders when they don't respect me!
  7. People still using the words "teenage rebellion" on me when I'm twenty-fucking-one.
  8. People telling me that "that job makes no money" when I said "I want to look into/explore x as a potential more specific subfield." Especially when they literally know nothing about said field and have no place to say that.
  9. Being addressed as "ma'am, young lady, miss, etc" at work. There's not really anything I can do to change it either, because I'm talking to strangers over the phone every day.
  10. That one dipshit in my graduating class group chat who tried to play the victim card when he started up a typically normal debate in a hostile manner and pitched a fit when I publicly called him out on it. That bit was kinda funny. But I don't like him. Piece of shit.

@HighPockets group

  1. That guilt I feel when I buy anything for myself. Even if I need it.
  2. The fact that and I can't really do anything to help myself bc of my current physical and mental state
  3. Respecting my elders when they don't respect me!

Mood :/

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

When my sister starts crying over something then I start singing because I feel like it, then my sister says she hates me and hits me, and my dad proceeds to yell at me for 'provoking her', then when I say that she always says she hates me and I've never said that I hated her, he yells at me more and calls me a liar, causing me to cry when I was doing so well with not getting emotional in front of my parents

@larcenistarsonist group

I hate the sun. It gives me migraines and drains my will to live and my parents constantly open my blinds to let the sun in after I've constantly told them that I don't like it.

And my mom always says "well I need it so do it for me"


And I also hate that my parents force me to leave the house even if I've repeatedly told them that I don't feel comfortable and that I just don't have the energy to and then they blame it on "those damn electronics"

I also hate that my friends never have time to hang out outside of school because of sports and their other friends and my mom is always forcing me to reach out and make plans but that seems pushy and my friends are always tired after sports and don't want to hang out.

… I have 42 months til college… 42 months…


  1. People still using the words "teenage rebellion" on me when I'm twenty-fucking-one.

That's a long ass rebellion. At least your rebellion has lasted longer than the Confederates'.

@Becfromthedead group

The thing is, I'm not even rebellious and never have been. I'm one of the most mellow people I know.
I'm just being me. My "radical" political views, my dyed hair, my existence, is not teenage rebellion and never was :'(
I don't really like it, even as a joke, because it belittles who I am as being a phase.


Open curtains when the light is on and it's dark outside. Lke nooo curtains first then lights, do you want me to cry?

That my parents can help me order a binder but can't use my proper name or pronouns

That so many of my sad friends have reasons to be sad, like trauma and things, and I have no reasons. I'm depressed, I'm anxious for no real reason

@Becfromthedead group

I'm fucking sick of eating at 8-9 at night because my mom never decides what she wants to do for dinner, so she either ends up cooking hella late or decides to order out (at least 3x a week, which is unhealthy).
Like dude. Just throw some damn pasta in some water and call it a day if you can't decide. We don't care that much.
And I've offered to help cook at a reasonable time, and she's always like "no, I've got it uwu" then puts food on the table at 9 pm.
I stg she goes to the grocery store almost every day because she doesn't plan ahead for meals, and that's part of the problem. I'm not saying you have to do hard core meal planning, but at least have stuff on hand you can make a meal with if you're in a rush or indecisive one night.

@larcenistarsonist group


They always go something like this and I want to puke whenever my mom watches one:
Girl meets guy in a weird situation, girl and guy hit it off, but one of them is taken. The one that's taken has a terrible partner that's some dipshit or something, but they stay with partner for some weird reason. Guy and girl separate but can't stop thinking about each other. By some random coincidence they meet again. The one that's taken leaves their partner to be with the other person. Yay! Gross happy ending that makes me want to puke.

Deleted user

You forgot the part of everyone has zero diversity in characters and development.


I really don’t like it when people go out of their way to be offensive for Edgy points.
Like don’t get me wrong, I love dark humor, but there’s a difference between morbid punchlines and naming your public Phasmophobia lobby

thinking you’re funny.

@Pickles group

I really don’t like it when people go out of their way to be offensive for Edgy points.
Like don’t get me wrong, I love dark humor, but there’s a difference between morbid punchlines and naming your public Phasmophobia lobby

thinking you’re funny.

that's not funny that's weird and gross on a lot of levels and I hate it

@HighPockets group

Agreed. Dark humor is more than just being bigoted, and if you think that dark humor means you just say the n-word or something then you don't understand dark humor or, tbh, humor in general.
Shock humor like that is a bad comedian's way of "humor", because saying taboo things that are all edge and no point gets uncomfortable laughter, not genuine laughter.

Deleted user

Rape threats, or telling someone they should get raped. In other news, guess what my uncle said to me today?

Deleted user