forum Talk about things you hate without judgement.
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people_alt 105 followers

@Katastrophic group

Omg yes mine literally stuck to pencil shavings and i can't take them out

pro artist life hack, keep a square of clingwrap or plastic to roll it up in. Nothing is worse than going to erase and finding a single shard of pencil shavings now streaked across your drawing

@requiemisback language

I absolutely hate rolling up my sleeves. It's very uncomfortable and annoying to me for some reason.

it feels weird to roll up my sleeves,,, and it also gets me thinking "what's the point of wearing long-sleeved shirts if i just end up rolling up the sleeves?"

@Becfromthedead group

I have a nervous habit of rolling and unrolling my sleeves lmao
So sometimes one will be up and the other will be down if I'm not paying attention.
Like I get rolling them up to like cook or do something where the sleeves could get dirty, but otherwise it doesn't make sense. Yes, I'm calling myself out for doing that very thing.

@Katastrophic group

I hate when my school turns the temp down to save on energy bills, but forgets the art buildings are 80% window for unecessary "artistic" reasons so its freezing. Nothing's worse than trying to throw ceramics in a puffy coat, which just gets wet and clay-y if you dont wear short sleeves and a vest instead (which is back to freezing)

@Pickles group

"Use your words" I'm not a child and I promise you that if I could use my words I would but there's a reason I'm not and anyways we should teach kids sign language and other ways to communicate nonverbally instead of forcing them to talk all the time because sometimes you just can't open your mouth to talk also sign language is good to teach to kids anyway

@nebula__ group

"Use your words" I'm not a child and I promise you that if I could use my words I would but there's a reason I'm not

i hate it when people treat me like a kid in general

@HighPockets group

Big agree. Being unable to verbalize a thought or feeling is a hard feeling to have, and I guarantee you that if I'm making some sort of gesture or stammering it's not because I'm not "using my words", it's because I can't form them. Also saying "use your words" to someone (especially someone who's neurodivergent) when they're struggling to convey what they mean is shitty and basically the same as telling someone who's having a panic attack to "calm down"; it's borderline (if not outright) ableist and also just rude, plus it only makes the person feel worse.


it's just dumb in general! not everyone is able to easily verbalize what's going on in their head, and then when you yeah, add in neurodivergency or speech issues, it is very much like telling someone having a panic attack to calm down.

so many people act like the ability to be really eloquent and verbose somehow places them above other people–i know this is slightly unrelated but it's been pissing me off–and i hate it. as someone who is a lot more eloquent and has the magical ability to speak a lot and well. like yeah, it makes it easier for me to speak in group settings or get across points, but it doesn't make me better than anyone and to assume so is so stupid and horrible. like what the fuck

@HighPockets group

It's especially irritating when you're the type of person who can give, like, passionate speeches to your friends and say some stuff that actually sounds pretty smart when you're just chilling with people you like, but struggle with public speaking. Like yeah, I can recite some monologues and stuff at the drop of a hat but that's stuff I have memorized, but I'm not super eloquent when I'm upset, excited, nervous, etc. It's incredibly annoying when people assume that just because I do theatre I'm good at being put on the spot and public speaking and such.

@Eli_ group

People always tell me to use my words, and I hate it so much. I have a really bad stutter, and apparently, people think I'm faking it so I don't have to socialize. It pisses me off so much, because first of all, it's disrespectful. Second of all, they don't realize that I'm trying. It's not easy to speak, especially with a heavy stutter like mine, but at least I'm willing to try and speak up, but no, you wanna belittle me because of my stutter? Seriously. If someone's gonna treat me like crap over a thing like this, I would rather not talk to them.
That's just how I feel about it, though.

@HighPockets group

I don't have a stutter, but I have ADD and I think a lot faster than I speak and usually end up stammering or trailing off. It's super belittling when people look at me and kind of smirk and do the "come on, spit it out" thing because I'm trying to, it's just hard to formulate what I mean.

@Eli_ group

I got bullied a lot through middle school because of my stutter. The worst 3 years of my life ever. The bullying only got worse when I started high school, though. Now, it's whatever, now that I have more of a "presence" there, if that makes sense.

@Eli_ group

Middle schoolers suck

Agreed. I personally feel like they can sense any weakness in a person, and know all the ways to exploit said weakness.

@Eli_ group

Here's a personal hatred of mine: Those teachers who, when you tell them something's wrong, dismiss the situation completely and say it's not "school-related," or just dismiss it for literally no reason whatsoever. This is just based on an experience I had, lmao.

@HighPockets group

Middle schoolers suck

Agreed. I personally feel like they can sense any weakness in a person, and know all the ways to exploit said weakness.

For the second time this week, John Mulaney was right.

@Eli_ group

Middle schoolers suck

Agreed. I personally feel like they can sense any weakness in a person, and know all the ways to exploit said weakness.

For the second time this week, John Mulaney was right.

Indeed he was.


When people tell me to calm down and I'm almost having a panic attack or I'm just stressed I automatically yell "Oh you've got asthma? Just breathe!" and go back to what I was doing

@Pickles group

  • That tik tok trend where people put two options on the screen and do the weird tilty walk thing where you can tell they think they're cool but they look stupid to the side they prefer
  • Every couple trend on tik tok
  • My friend's boyfriend who is extremely gross
  • broccoli
  • flour
  • the phrase "homophobic and proud ♥️"