forum Talk about things you hate without judgement.
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@HighPockets group

Headaches. I get them a lot and for a variety of reasons, and they suck. It's especially awful since both the blue light from my computer and the florescent lights at my school cause them, so it's a lose-lose battle when it comes to that.

@HighPockets group

Also I hate the mood where you want to read, but you can't get into any book, can't pick what to read, nothing seems interesting, etc. Like dude, I'm trying to read 200 books before the year ends, I don't care if this YA contemporary isn't interesting, it's short and I need to finish it.


i stopped eating oatmeal because we would get these little packets and my favorites were the strawberry and peach, but every time i tried to microwave it it exploded and that was such a pain so i just. stopped eating it

@HighPockets group

i stopped eating oatmeal because we would get these little packets and my favorites were the strawberry and peach, but every time i tried to microwave it it exploded and that was such a pain so i just. stopped eating it



People who are rude for literally no reason other than to seem tough. It's really not cute.

i dont know how people can do that cause like. im tough if i dont speak so thats very easy but if i open my mouth to be rude im either apologizing seven times or i go home and cry


i stopped eating oatmeal because we would get these little packets and my favorites were the strawberry and peach, but every time i tried to microwave it it exploded and that was such a pain so i just. stopped eating it


to the exploding??? how the hell did you manage to do the exact same thing lmao

@HighPockets group

i stopped eating oatmeal because we would get these little packets and my favorites were the strawberry and peach, but every time i tried to microwave it it exploded and that was such a pain so i just. stopped eating it


to the exploding??? how the hell did you manage to do the exact same thing lmao

Sort of? Peach and strawberry are the best flavors; mine wouldn't explode but they would always cook incorrectly. Although I have exploded multiple eggs in the microwave.


Okay, low-key I hate that new writers looking for advice or people looking for critique on their writing get buried under all the General Chats and RPs. And don't get me wrong, I love both of those, but I see those kind of 'please help me with this' discussions get ignored a LOT and idk i just don't love it

THAT'S JUST MY OPINION THO, y'all are lovely and I'm not calling anyone out or anything!

@Katastrophic group

I get you mean, I try to scan through all the forums and not just the off-topic every few days just in case. A lot of the time I can't really help though, my writing isn't too great besides formal essays, so I usually can only help on the art forum :(


I hate that I didn't find this site sooner. This could've helped me so much but no I had to put up with WorldAnvil for far too long.
Speaking of, I also hate WorldAnvil, mainly for forcing users to pay for privacy. Very not cool.


I get you mean, I try to scan through all the forums and not just the off-topic every few days just in case. A lot of the time I can't really help though, my writing isn't too great besides formal essays, so I usually can only help on the art forum :(

It's awesome that you do that though! (And you can write formal essays well? I respect.)

@Katastrophic group

It's awesome that you do that though! (And you can write formal essays well? I respect.)

Thanks lol, on both points. I can write well with structures (thanks to my art history teacher being super hard on essays), but creative writing doesn't really follow the thesis-support-conclusion stuff.

@Pickles group

In musicals when the leads don't actually get into the dance. Yeah I get they're singing but so is everyone else and everyone else is into it, the leads should be too, they're the leads, if they can't sing and dance at the same time they shouldn't be on broadway or in your movie


The fact that my parents threatened to take away my phone
That may sound stupid but I rely on it to stop the constant panic attacks I get from not being able to contact people I know and from not seeing what others are discussing due to slight trauma caused by emotional abuse and gaslighting from ex 'friends' and severe anxiety. I rely on it to deal with the burnouts I get easily and almost constantly because of various issues. I rely on it to contact people like those on this site for advice that very well might save me from a lot of emotional pain.
I know that its my fault for not opening up but- I don't know

Sorry for the heavy vent
I just needed to share

@probablypolnareff language

here's some things i hate:

  • when people ask me a question i don't know the answer to and i say "i don't know" then they get mad at me bc of it
  • the guy i encountered on my daily walk who started flirting with me out of nowhere and made me uncomfy
  • when i get soap in my mouth on accident but my brain is processing the fact that i have soap in my mouth too slow so i have no clue that there's soap in my mouth until my brain realizes what's happening
  • legos. once you step on one, your life is over