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people_alt 105 followers


if baking is supposed to be so exact then why do those weird soccer mom food blogs use cup measurements instead of grams and ounces? huh? if they can do it so can i

@Becfromthedead group

See, I'm in the middle of the road there. It's like "I prefer baking to cooking because there are more exact measurements to follow." And that's not to say you can't mess around! You take that favorite shortbread recipe and add whatever spices you want. Add twice the chocolate chips. Switch out certain ingredients to your preference.
"Baking is an exact science" kind of misses the mark. It's more of "Baking has consistent bases," if that makes any sense.

@Pickles group

If your recipe is getting messed up because you added a little too much of something, you either have a terrible recipe or you should be making less complicated things

@Becfromthedead group

Yeah, like I'm no genius, but I've never had any major baking failures. Worst that's happened is things got a little too crispy, or slightly soggy cookies in one case, but they were still delicious.

@Pickles group

The only time I messed something up was when I decided to make macarons on a whim and we didn't have half the ingredients. Also the time that I tried to make a cake without an election mixer and didn't mix in the egg all the way. Which definitely only happened once because I Learn From My Mistakes

@Katastrophic group

Yeah baking fails are still great to eat! My worst fail was cookies that ended up being literal cake, they rose instead of spreading but still tasted good.
yeah i definately did not explode a cake. nope.


hhnnnn too many chocolate chips can fuck up your mix so just heads up on that doubling. though on the topic: measure from your heart and the rest of the recipe is probably going to follow

like. you obviously can't add too much baking powder to a recipe because that can throw off the whole thing, but adding some more milk or cocoa powder or cinnamon isn't a crime and anyone who tells you so is probably british or thinks spicy means the mcdonalds chicken burger

@HighPockets group

I have had…one very bad baking mishap but in my defense that was due to the mix being expired and not my lackluster abilities.
On the plus side, I made saltine toffee on Monday and didn't fuck it up, and it ended up being good which was nice!

@Pickles group

I started a new ~art~ today and I'm surprisingly far, but the girl in my reference is barefoot and she has really weird toes
Anyways I hate feet, they're gross

Deleted user

Hamlet. This bitches internalized homophobia is going to kill so many people. Idk I just think he's not neat. But I can relate.