forum Talk about things you hate without judgement.
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people_alt 105 followers

@Becfromthedead group

I know they do, but that's ridiculous. And what's stopping it from happening again, when it's something that shouldn't happen in the first place unless it's a simple diy fix.

@HighPockets group

I hate that the title for the second book in the Dreamer trilogy is Mister Impossible, I'm not even a Raven Boys fan but I feel so sorry for y'all-

@Becfromthedead group

Oh cool, thanks. It says compressed air can help dislodge dust and stuff if that's the problem, so I might try that. I find constant recalibration to be a good temporary trick- it'll stop the drift for a few minutes, or at least lessen it.
Still upsetting that it doesn't work properly though, and that it's such a widespread issue.
Nintendo, yall can do better :(

@Pickles group

I'm actually really upset that I can't go to a cafe and do homework and study, and go to dlm and study with my friends for exams and feel aesthetic and productive. It's like, one of the only things I wanted to do when I could drive and it's been over a year and I fucking CAN'T because we're still in a pandemic because stupid bitch brats refuse to wear masks and Stupid Bitch Brat King decided that everyone needed to go back to school before it was safe.

@Becfromthedead group

^^^ same
We have a lounge on campus. I always used to go there to do my work, grab a coffee, and while we're technically allowed, I don't feel safe enough to do so.
And we're only allowed to have like 2 people in a study room now, so there are no longer late night clown hours where all my friends of different majors sit down and work on things.

@spacebluelily language

  • math
  • being so fucking cold, that you can't even feel your fingers
  • being woken up early on the weekends
  • those people who think they're better than others
  • uh, America, at the moment

Deleted user

the fact that i've been developing new tics recently and one of them is ""simba" brushes forehead with my thumb""

@Space group

I feel a bit guilty, but at the same time I know I'm in the right here. You see, I'm a pretty caring person. I don't get mad easily. I might have a little heated moment here and there, but it passes quickly and I don't hold grudges. HOWEVER there is this one exception. The thing I hate is actually my ex boyfriend who sexually assaulted me and used me for my body. He purposely touched areas that he knew was scarred and healing from an injury to make me hurt. After I finally got away from him, he proceeded to get his little sister and a huge group of guys against me. His sister is the fucking worse. I hear them everyday talking about gory fantasies they have about breaking my skull open and killing me, ruining my life, and other nsfw topics. Not to mention this bitch has the audacity to make racist, homophobic, and sexists jokes. He gives attitude to the teachers and thinks he's cool as fuck. But honestly he's the worst fucking excuse of a human. And if my finger wasn't broke right now, I'd consider slapping and/or punching him. This has been going on for MONTHS and my mental health is rock bottom. I've contacted the school multiple times but nothing changes, they just make fun of me for crying home to my mommy and shit. Like we're highschoolers? TF? Isnt that like a preschooler comeback. I'm not a violent person, and I'm really shy, but ohhhhh this makes my blood boil. But normally when they attack me I cant help but to cry.