forum Talk about things you hate without judgement.
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Hate it when people I’ve known for years don’t feel that they can confide in me. We’re working on it, though so I can say that much.

Deleted user

I hate it when people completely ghost me simply cause I haven't talked to them in a week. I'm not ignoring you! I'm recharging my social battery!

Deleted user

Honestly I just hate my parents right now and I think I have the trans aromantic version of Daddy Issues. Idk.

@larcenistarsonist group

I hate the commercials that are like "we so IT every night…" and it makes your brain go there and it's super uncomfy to watch em and theres no way to skip them. I just hate commercials that imply sex and stuff. Just… ew. Why?

@Pickles group

I hate the commercials that are like "we so IT every night…" and it makes your brain go there and it's super uncomfy to watch em and theres no way to skip them. I just hate commercials that imply sex and stuff. Just… ew. Why?

Commercial: we do it EVERY NIGHT
Me, confused: yiffy wiffy??
Commercial: actually the dishwasher we run the dishwasher every night with only two plates and two forks in it because we are a couple living alone and clearly that saves water


i have a love hate relationship with packing, because i love doing things and making lists and knowing im about to do something fun, but i hate actually having to fit anything in my suitcase. luckily im not half as bad as my sister about packing, so thats good

@Becfromthedead group

People who put like 2 items in the dorm dryers (which are being shared by a couple hundred people).
Bonus points if they leave it there long after it's done drying.

@Pickles group

Recently was reminded that the people who write disney shows don't know what "wherefore" means and use it wrong in every fucking show, I'm so mad about it
literally the context of every instance it's used in a shakespeare play makes it VERY APPARENT that it DOESN'T MEAN 'WHERE', it's not remotely difficult to understand, not to mention that professional screenwriters should have had a decent english education

@HighPockets group

Yes this!! It's not "where are you, Romeo? I can't see you from here", it's "why must you be Romeo Montague and not someone with a different name, due to the blood feud" which is just objectively a much more interesting line.