forum Talk about things you hate without judgement.
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people_alt 105 followers


the fact that my brain churns out great characters and story ideas at a rapid rate but i never have the patience for roleplays or the motivation to write


okay but sometimes i have dreams that literally spit out book plots to me so i'm writing them down, and while nobody can have the ones i have right now i would not mind giving away some of them. hell, the nightmare ikea one could be up for grabs i really dont mind

@spacebluelily language

  • when my stomach starts hurting for no fucking reason
  • Chamomile tea
  • peanut butter
  • Spotify and youtube music/youtube ads
  • how controlling my parents can be
  • not being able to talk to my friends
  • school
  • not having the motivation to write
  • toxic people

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

I hate that I didn't find this site sooner. This could've helped me so much but no I had to put up with WorldAnvil for far too long.
Speaking of, I also hate WorldAnvil, mainly for forcing users to pay for privacy. Very not cool.

:O Language!
W*rldAnvil is a f o r b i d d e n w o r d

Deleted user

a) the state of america, right now and in general
b) trump and his supporters
c) the little bump on my tongue that prolly gonna go away in a day or so but it's bothering the fuck out of me

@Mojack group

I strongly, strongly dislike it when you call someone out for something they said and they get all pissy about it, then proceed to call it a joke.

@spacebluelily language

Ah, yes. joycon drift is the worst. It also sucks when you're playing Mario Kart, because your car doesn't go forward, instead, it goes backwards and it's harder to drift, go left etc. AHHHHHH, it's so fucking annoying.