forum Talk about things you hate without judgement.
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@furetakunai ac_unit

I hate how when I do something different, people are like "weLL yOu NeVeR diD thAt beFoRe". Yes, dipshit, I know this. Let me make a few changes for once without stringing me up by the ankles for it.

Deleted user

Religious people. Mainly Christians.

I mean, I don't hate them, I just don't understand them. Of course I respect them, I just- how??? But I do hate religious people who force their religions onto others.


I hate how I can never commit to any of my ideas. Like I have so many drawing, writing, etc ideas and I just can't work on any of them.

@Pickles group

I hate that I can't dislike things a normal amount. Or like them a normal amount tbh. For example, earlier this week I invested emotions into hating Jensen Ackles and then it turned out that he's not as much of an asshole as I thought and now I'm angry that I can't be like "wow I hate him"

@Pickles group

why did you want to hate jensen ackles lmao

I was watching a video on the supernatural stuff and I stopped halfway through at which point he was shitty to fans and kind of homophobic and by the time I watched the second half that was like "apparently he wasn't being shitty to a fan and he stopped hating destiel so much and when he said he hated the ending he probably wasn't referring to the gay" I had already had a few days to decide I hated him. I still don't like him tho and unless someone's gonna tell me he adopted twenty orphans and started a homeless shelter for queer youth and rescues kittens I don't think that's gonna change
The guy who played cas seems cool though so there's that

@Becfromthedead group

Yeah, I'm going to have to hard disagree on that one. I'm no optimist, and I'm sure as hell not one of the people who said 2020 would be better necessarily, but I'm sick of people talking about "jinxing" it.
Sure, once 2021 starts, it's not going to hit a reset button and fix everything, but there's no such thing as "jinxing" it. Let people be hopeful for the times ahead. Things are looking up in many ways, and people allowed to look forward to a brighter year after this one. As long as they continue to do their part, of course.

Deleted user

I hate that I blame everything on myself. My friend failed a class and I immediately thought back to all the times we hung out together and thought, "Maybe if we didn't hang out so often he could have passed. Maybe I was distracting him from his homework and it made him fail." I know it's super unhealthy to do that to myself, but it's such a reflex to trace whatever happened back to me. Although literally it was his fault for failing, but I still can't help but to feel guilty lol

@larcenistarsonist group

I hate how awkward the height of my Doc Martens are when it comes to socks. If I wear ankle socks then the boot rubs against my leg and rubs the skin raw and if I wear tall socks then I have to fold them down so they dont poke over the top of my boot

@Eli_ group

I hate it when I go into a room for something, then forget what I went there for, which leads to me just standing there like an idiot until I remember what I went there for.