forum Talk about things you hate without judgement.
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Deleted user

I hate how my dad assumes

because I consider myself a furry

(I forgot to mention that…)


Oh same here. I don’t really say anything though. I also don’t really know how to tell people about it.

Deleted user

Oh same here. I don’t really say anything though. I also don’t really know how to tell people about it.

Oh thank god someone else gets it.

Deleted user

so wait, you don't have an actual diagnosis though?

Not yet, but I fit most of the symptoms

@Pickles group

so wait, you don't have an actual diagnosis though?

Not yet, but I fit most of the symptoms

So don't whine about being one? If you're concerned go talk to a fucking doctor instead of whining about how hard it is for you that webmd told you you might be a narcissist.

Deleted user

so wait, you don't have an actual diagnosis though?

Not yet, but I fit most of the symptoms

So don't whine about being one? If you're concerned go talk to a fucking doctor instead of whining about how hard it is for you that webmd told you you might be a narcissist.

I didn't use webmd, and I am. I'm going to talk to my therapist about it.


okay, speaking honestly and wanting to help–

I doubt you do. I've known people who were actually undiagnosed clinical narcissists, and as far as I've seen, you do actually care about other people and are not solely concerned with your own success, wellbeing, and person. and also, matching symptoms is never a sure thing, because everyone matches something at some point.

like okay. going by that, my ex would have been schizophrenic or had bpd. because he matched a LOT of the symptoms. but he just wasn't, though I still wonder to this day if he had bipolar depression or not. hell, IVE matched with the symptoms of schizophrenia, and other mental illnesses and disorders that people don't really enjoy having. I'd honestly be shocked if you were officially diagnosed to be a narcissist, and I'm saying that as someone who knows that narcissists are not fun to be around. I think, honestly, you're good

@Pickles group

so wait, you don't have an actual diagnosis though?

Not yet, but I fit most of the symptoms

So don't whine about being one? If you're concerned go talk to a fucking doctor instead of whining about how hard it is for you that webmd told you you might be a narcissist.

I didn't use webmd, and I am. I'm going to talk to my therapist about it.

So stop 👏 whining 👏 about 👏 how 👏 hard👏 it👏 is👏 to👏 have 👏it 👏
You can talk about how you're going to talk to your therapist about it or whatever but don't say you have it and how hard it is for you, not to mention that that's not even the point of the chat.


y'all. its not the biggest deal as long as they understand that they aren't officially diagnosed. hell, most people semi self diagnose at some point in their lives, and its especially common when you're young and confused or trying to figure out what's going on in your head. as long as they don't go around spreading misinformation, all should be well

Deleted user

Thanks, @croc-for-president, but the others are also right. I shouldn't just bitch about it, and groan. Instead, I should just deal with it and take care of it.

Deleted user

That's a fatass lie and a bad attempt for sympathy.

It wasn't an attempt for sympathy, nor was it a lie. I'm going to talk to my therapist and see what I can do to manage it, if I even have it.

Deleted user

I hate how my memory is really bad but really good at the same time. For example, I was going to pack a lunch for tomorrow, but when I opened the fridge, I forgot what I was doing and stood there for 30 seconds while trying to remember until I finally did. And I keep on forgetting about food and drinks that I was eating/drinking. It's just really annoying.

But on the other hand, I also have random and specific memories that I remember from when I was really young out of nowhere in the middle of a conversation. Not to mention the random trivia that I have.

So yeah, my memory is an inconsistent little shit.

Deleted user

The pressure to get instagram and snapchat. like why?? I dont like social medias, get over it. I have a phone number, just text me.


I hate how my dad assumes

because I consider myself a furry

(I forgot to mention that…)

Hello fellow fur

Deleted user

I hate how my dad assumes

because I consider myself a furry

(I forgot to mention that…)

Hello fellow fur

omg you're a fur too?


I hate how my dad assumes

because I consider myself a furry

(I forgot to mention that…)

Hello fellow fur

omg you're a fur too?


Deleted user

I hate how my dad assumes

because I consider myself a furry

(I forgot to mention that…)

Hello fellow fur

omg you're a fur too?


hell yeah