forum Talk about things you hate without judgement.
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Deleted user

  • That my parents are constantly like "Oh you look just like me when I was little :D" like no shut up. I don't want to be like you.

God, same. I despise it when people tell me that I look or act like someone. I don't want to be like someone else and I don't want to be reminded of it either. Let me be my own unique person. Especially my parents. They are homophobic, rude, manipulative, people and I don't want to be told I look or act like them in any way, thank you very much.

Deleted user

i really hate being left out of things.

Same. Especially group chats. Like even though I don't respond it seriously hurts when someone talks about a group chat I'm not apart of and I have to just shut myself up and try not to feel offended.


i hate the fact that i'm gonna be eating cheesecake, pumpkin dessert(pumpkin pie but not), and apple pie for like a week. don't get me wrong i love all of these things but i'm supposed to be losing weight and eating healthy–

@Katastrophic group

I hate how I hate tea. I got greentea + pomegranate and chammomile but the smell alone is off-putting and I made a cup of the greentea and it was literally hot leaf water. Leaf water that was somehow too watery and too leaf-y at the same time.

its supposed to be healthy and have all sorts of benefits with sleep/no sleep but i just cant drink the stuff.


well i mean you're right but some people only don't like it because they've never had it done right. personally? can't stand tea hot, cold, or anything in between, even if its done right.

@Katastrophic group

well i've been using my keurig to heat the water and I followed the steep time written on the box. It said 3 minutes with very hot but not boiling water.

im just sad cause i have a huge collection of mugs from my ceramics friends and i can only use them with hot chocolate cause coffee is bitter and has too much caffeine for me.

@larcenistarsonist group

I hate how when you're born, you're assigned to a family that you're supposed to unconditionally love without them doing anything for you and if you don't then you're considered heartless and ungrateful.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

I hate how when you're born, you're assigned to a family that you're supposed to unconditionally love without them doing anything for you and if you don't then you're considered heartless and ungrateful.


@Pickles group

I hate how when you're born, you're assigned to a family that you're supposed to unconditionally love without them doing anything for you and if you don't then you're considered heartless and ungrateful.

I resent the idea that parents can do no wrong and that you have to love them for doing the bare minimum
Side note, I recently came to the conclusion that there's no good reason to have a child that's not at least slightly dickish or just selfish and no one should be having kids at all

@larcenistarsonist group

I also hate it when I'm being dead serious about what I want to do in my future and people go "oh, you're still young. You'll change your mind when you get older" or some other stupid shit like that. Especially my grandparents when I told them that I wanted to move to LA and get into the film industry. My grandma literally told me when I said that I wanted to be a screenwriter "oh, you need a real job. That could be a hobby."

@Pickles group

Ben Shapiro.
Also everyone who's upset that some men wear dresses. Sorry you're attracted to him babe <3 I wish you luck in exploring your sexuality tho