forum Talk about things you hate without judgement.
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people_alt 105 followers

Deleted user

oh i didn't know people did that-
tiktok is okay, i think, it's good for time wasting and it depends on what side of it you're on lmao

@furetakunai ac_unit

I also hate when people are all yell-y and touchy when I'm just starting to wake up. It's extremely irritating because my senses are more sensitive when I wake up. My senses practically scream "I swear if you touch me or yell I will punch you."

Deleted user

I hate those people who tell me they have the next 20 years of their life planned out in full detail and then they proceed to try and explain it to me.

It could be jealousy, considering I have no clue what to do with myself, but I don't want to hear how well organized you are and how you're gonna be a veterinarian who lives in France with 2 dogs.

@Becfromthedead group

If it makes you feel any better, most people don't even manage to fulfill those plans.
But yeah, no, pisses me off too, especially if they intentionally imply that you need to get your shit together.
Like bro, I'm 21 and I'm still putting little pieces together. And so are most people my age.


people get their shit together at different rates. so big agree, its one thing to be proud of the effort you're putting into your planned out future, but its another to be a dick to people who don't have their every move planned

@larcenistarsonist group

I hate it when I'm pouring my heart out to someone about all of the stuff I kept pent up in my head, and then the person I'm ranting to give me options on how to solve the problem…
Dude, I just came to you to rant! I don't want your help I just want you to listen and then we can go watch a movie or something. That's why I don't tell my mom anything cuz all she does is try to fix things when I just need her to listen.

I also hate those TikTok peeps that lip sync to the camera tryna look sexy or something stupid like that…

@Katastrophic group

I hate it when I'm pouring my heart out to someone about all of the stuff I kept pent up in my head, and then the person I'm ranting to give me options on how to solve the problem…
Dude, I just came to you to rant! I don't want your help I just want you to listen and then we can go watch a movie or something. That's why I don't tell my mom anything cuz all she does is try to fix things when I just need her to listen.

Mood. It's actually a trait that shows up a lot in personality tests, it has to do with thinking versus feeling type stuff. Both my mom and I try to find solutions over sympathising, so sometimes when we talk we preface with "Juts need to vent a little…" then go off.

I also hate those TikTok peeps that lip sync to the camera tryna look sexy or something stupid like that…

It's even more cringe when these people are middle schoolers. Like stop trying to be sexy on camera and go do ur homework.

Deleted user

I, too, despise feeling vulnerable and dependent, though I'm not sure if it's bad or not. It doesn't seem bad to me, but maybe it is, idk.

@requiemisback language

I despise feeling vulnerable and dependent on anyone. Is that bad?

i'm the same way
imo i don't think it's bad to not depend on others, but idk that's just my opinion so take it or leave it ig

@larcenistarsonist group

I hate it when I'm squid partying in Splatoon with someone and it's really fun and it's awesome but them my internet decides to be stupid and disconnect me >:(
especially if they're dressed like a coroika character :''(


I hate seeing distant family members. Like I don't hate them but it's just so awkward when they're 10 years older than you and you haven't seen them in years.


i also hate that but when they're like 'the last time i saw you you were so little!' and you're like 'ma'am please remove yourself from my person, i barely even know who you are at this point'


or when they talk about the stuff you liked as a kid and ask if you still like literal child things and you just have to sit there and explain that you're not five anymore


i mean my cousins aren't really like that but they're all in they're twenties and have jobs, are getting married, etc. and there isn't much to talk about especially since we're not close


I hate people who interupt and think they can overrule the moderator. If someone does that that's how I know they're horrible people. Get out of the debate.

@nebula__ group

i hate when my family makes rude jokes about me and think it doesn't affect me but when i get upset they think they did nothing wrong
like,,, who made it okay to threaten to stuff a 15 year old in the trunk of your car? seriously, who said that was an okay thing to joke abt???