forum Talk about things you hate without judgement.
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people_alt 105 followers

@HighPockets group

I've read 3 Frankenstein retellings and liked none of them, I can't tell if it's because they actually weren't very good retellings/books or if I'm just too attached to the story
I mean Cadaver and Queen just straight-up sucked, it was only my second most hated book of the year because I had the misfortune of reading Frozen Beauty last year and that took the cake, but idk about the other two

Deleted user

I haven't read a single retelling, for my own personal mental health and also because most of them suck. I am writing a retelling though, Victor and Clerval run away to raise Vic's freak of nature son and Elizabeth goes on to (rightfully) murder her (adoptive) dad for being a weird fucking creep. Pretty sure I'll ditch the murder bit if I actually plan to publish, this is mostly self indulgent here.

@HighPockets group

So there's characters based on and named after Victor and Clerval and some of the themes and such are the same, I'm tooling with the idea of a reanimation element, but I wouldn't call it a straight retelling in more ways than one
But there's also a decidedly not Frankenstein-inspired detectives plotline I say, as if I have a plot and,,,,idk like there's Elements There but to call it a retelling feels disingenuous to me since it isn't exactly one, so I mostly say "Frankenstein-inspired"

Deleted user

I hate when someone tries to tell me what to do on a topic that I’ve experienced for years, firsthand, and they’ve only heard of the topic online. It’s one thing if the person tries to say something and I politely say no, but another thing if they continue to talk about it like they know everything that’s going on weeks after I’ve told them no. I’m trying to say to them that there’s a difference between experiencing a thing, to only seeing it from a distance.

@Pickles group

I hate that I get sad every time I finish something. i get it, I'm emotionally attached to a thing, i don't need to prove it by crying every time I think about the finale


I hate that I get sad every time I finish something. i get it, I'm emotionally attached to a thing, i don't need to prove it by crying every time I think about the finale


@larcenistarsonist group

I hate how my sister keeps saying stuff like "I'm being gay and doing crime" and other stuff like that. I don't have a problem with it, because y'know I'm openly pan and stuff and she's really respectful of the community it's just… she's straight. Just all of the 'gay slogans' she uses all the time and stuff and she's straight and it just really bothers me and I've asked her multiple times if she's at all LGBTQIA+ at all and she always responds with "no im a token straight in a group of gays" but she might be questioning????? It just kinda irks me.


Stuff like that bothers me too ^^

This is a really picky thing, but still peeves me.
When people say "adult ADHD." What is that supposed to mean…? It implies ADHD is just for kids. ADHD is a chronic condition. Yes, symptoms and presentation change over time for sure, but you don't "grow out of it." You don't "grow out of" dyslexia, though you may find someway to read more efficiently.
Look up "adult anxiety." All that comes up is "anxiety in adults" which makes sense because anxiety in adults and anxiety in other age ranges presents differently.
Look up "adult depression." All I see is "depression and adults" and "depression in older adults." Makes sense.
But look up adult ADHD? It's represented like ADHD in kids and ADHD in adults are two different things. No. One is a continuation of the other. Because ADHD is a chronic condition. You may only get diagnosed with it as an adult, and it's good there are articles and stuff specifically for adults with ADHD, but treating ADHD in adults like it's something you were supposed to get rid of by now? Like, "oh, you still have ADHD? Well, I guess that's adult ADHD. Sorry buddy."
BRUH NO, it's a lifelong thing, you don't grow out of it, you don't get rid of it, it's the same root cause as it was when you were younger. It's just ADHD. Treating adults with ADHD as if they have "adult ADHD" probably just makes them feel childish and more incapable than they do. There's no such condition as "adult ADHD." Expecting people to grow out of it is extremely harmful. It doesn't work like that. Stop saying "adult ADHD," Jesus Christ.

@HighPockets group

It's because neurotypical people think ADHD is just being a little fidgety, and that it's something that little kids (mostly little boys) have, not adults.


AND IT'S EXTRA DUMB because depression and anxiety aren't even neurodevelopmental disorders, they actually can go away (though they can have developmental roots). Anxiety and depression are mental illnesses that can be chronic, but they can and DO go into remission with proper attention and treatment. ADHD doesn't fit with those, it fits with disorders like autism and dyslexia, things you can't cure. So implying that adults with ADHD have "adult ADHD" implies that you believe ADHD can be cured before adulthood, when it literally isn't even in the ballpark of things that can be more or less cured or go into remission.


i mean, i think it might be in part due to misunderstanding the semi common change from adhd to add as people grow up(i know adults who were diagnosed with adhd as kids, but as they got older the symptoms changed up a bit)) but generally its really dumb cause thats not…the thing everyone faces


Night shifts at my unnamed place of work.
Bro I have SO MANY STORIES from these last few weeks alone. Most involve the police and a deadly weapon, and I also almost got to taze a guy

@nebula__ group

here's some stuff i hate since i have a few things on my mind:

  • having ADHD
  • math
  • any banana-flavored candy that has that damn artificial taste to em
  • art block
  • writer's block


here's some stuff i hate since i have a few things on my mind:

  • any banana-flavored candy that has that damn artificial taste to em

Fun fact!
That 'artificial' banana flavour is actually more like an extinct type of banana called the Gros Michel banana. So it does in fact taste like a banana, just not one we are used to as it went extinct around the 1960s

Despite that, you are right, it's still disgusting

@suukisan group

Weirdly specific thing, but I have a BURNING HATRED for the new Project Diva games (Future Tone, Mega Mix). I will literally rant for hours about how gross it looks compared to it's PS3 counterparts (and X).
In Future Tone, the hair textures are uncanny and so is the way the hair swooshes and goes through the characters arms. The skin that looks like clay really just adds to the uncanny factor, and so do the beady eyes and the very dark shading that doesn't seem to effect the eyes. The faces are all stretched out, and they got rid of the cool glowing features of a lot of modules (most notibly f0newearl style). Don't even get me started on the gameplay, where they got rid of the core mechanics of the Project Diva series and threw in new pointless buttons and created those weird parts where you're somehow supposed to press every button on the damn controller. The "expansion packs" are way too overpriced, and most of the original videos created for Future Tone look like someone was trying out Edit Mode for the first time in their lives. Oh and the newer games also dropped the Edit Mode as well as all character interaction features. The way the game scores you is absurd compared to the older games, making you feel awful even if you get a full combo through the whole song by slapping you with a percentage out of 100 instead of giving you the satisfaction of the gold-colored "perfect" screen. They remade assets for songs that they didn't need to, which just made the stages look lifeless (most notably the stage used for Magnet). For most of the songs that were also in Project Mirai, they just slapped the new deformed Diva models into it and hoped it didn't look bad. The shading and the lighting is awful, having no warmth to it and usually just ruining the videos. They got rid of Technical Zones and Chance Times, which was awful because it was very rewarding to pass the Chance Time and see the video have a different outcome because of it.
Mega Mix/Mega39s is just an awful laggy port of the already terrible Future Tone to the switch with not enough shading and eye-bleeding colors. The hair looks like it's made of plastic, and the clothes have no texture. The skin of the singers tends to look bright, vibrant pink no matter what kind of lighting is supposed to be present, and the terrible lighting engine used makes the singers look like they have no mouth or nose half the time. Mega Mix really is just an even worse version of an already terrible game, and I'm honestly annoyed I even payed money for it.

Wow. That's a big wall of rant text.


Ads for amine and amine games. I personally don't like or watch any amine. Yet I get loads of ads for half naked amine women and I don't appreciate that. I've never purchased or searched anything related to amine and never will. YouTube should take a hint, please take the naked amine people off my screen, thanks.
And yes I spell amine wrong on purpose because I find it amusing

@Pickles group

All the little lungs ads, but particularly the one where little lungs land on a railing, slide all the way down, and break in half

@tungsten fastfood

You know what. The last time I went on smartmusic it was okay. Nope. Back to hating it


this thanks

On the same note: