forum Talk about things you hate without judgement.
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I hate people who think it’s okay to shove their opinions in my face. And people who resort to name-calling during debates.

@larcenistarsonist group

I hate Drivers Ed because we've already had two vocab quizzes and we started three days ago and odds are I'm going to fail because I need time for things to cement into my brain. You cant give me material and expect me to be able to recite the entire thing to you 24 hours after you give it to me. Also it starts before school (so 5 in the morning) so I'm running on 15 minutes of sleep for the entirety of it and just akalgskahska

Deleted user

The new Helluva Boss episode is out and, well… deep exhale I, as per my usual, hated it.

Deleted user

Yeah, uh… it makes a lot of r*pe jokes, so I'm not a whole fan. I am less than a fan. I am negative fan.

Deleted user

Ew indeed. Also, child abuse! Rampantly so! As well as treating cheating on your partner as hahahahahahahaha funniiiiie jokie. Sorry, I just… i hate this stupid show so much.

@HighPockets group

I've never understood the prevalence of cheating in media…I mean, I have a ton of stories and as far as I can remember, none of them include cheating? So many popular romances are built off of cheating "but they love each other so it's okay!!!"; it's something that really just gets used as a plot device and never handled with the respect it should be.

Deleted user

Yeah, exactly. Like, why not have people in happy, loving, stable relationships? It's way more interesting narratively, and you can only do so much with a cheating plotline until it falls apart.

@HighPockets group

Plus if your character cheats on their partner I'm very likely to hate them. Sorry, but unless their partner is super abusive or something I'm not going to like a person who cheats on their spouse/SO.
I blame the prevalence partially on love triangles and partially on people thinking that their romances need to be all star-crossed soulmate uwu or whatever

Deleted user

Yeah, that's just bullshit. I'm just,,, hhhhhh nooooo whhyyyyyy but anyways yeah.

@HighPockets group

I feel like people also assume that established romances are automatically boring, but they're not? There's a lot to explore there but people rarely do. Anyways one of my favorites of my couples are established going in, but they still have conflicts and things they need to overcome (without cheating being one of them!) and asdfgfhj I Love Them if you know who, you Know

@HighPockets group

Maybe it's because I mostly read YA but I can't think of more than a handful of books with pre-established couples that I've read. All that's coming to mind are Hamlet (kinda?), The Revolution of Birdie Randolph, and sort-of Illuminae (since Ezra and Kady are exes but that changes later)

Deleted user

Unrelated note, I don't like this Strangest Case webcomic called the Glass Scientists because, and I shit you not, they made Edward Hyde an UwU softboi. I hate it. Hyde isn't even interesting compared to the background characters, and he makes up 95% of the fucking comic! Seriously, I wish I could just,,, hhhhh fucking not exist around this comic anymore but I'm still somehow addicted to reading it LITERALLY JUST FOR ONE CHARACTER. I swear, if she dies, I'll stop reading it, but otherwise I will consume this horrible fucking series until the day I die. That's not even going into the racism problems the comic has (see: Rachel), as well as the sexism and classism, but hey, I guess we all have our guilty pleasures. Idk I just want to be allowed to recognize that some media is problematic, and still like it for the unproblematic parts. Idk. I'm just,,, I'm dying. I'm dead.

Deleted user

Maybe it's because I mostly read YA but I can't think of more than a handful of books with pre-established couples that I've read. All that's coming to mind are Hamlet (kinda?), The Revolution of Birdie Randolph, and sort-of Illuminae (since Ezra and Kady are exes but that changes later)

I mean fair.

@HighPockets group

It's been like 4 years since I've read Jekyll and Hyde (rereading it this year, hopefully) but….literally why would you make Hyde a Soft Boi?? His entire thing is that he's the unhinged, dare I say feral side of Jekyll and making him an uwu soft boi is just…hrngh not understanding the meaning of the original. There's so many better classics characters to write as soft bois (better as in "would work better for", not better as is "Hyde is a bad character") and while I get wanting to try a new take, that one just doesn't make sense

Deleted user

I know, right? He isn't even scary, or like, monstery. He's just a blonde twink and if I wanted that I'd reread the Picture of Dorian Gray.

@HighPockets group

I fucking hate Goodreads, it has horrible glitches and works about as well as an old-ass car with two flat tires but if you think I'm gonna go to some other reading website you're dead wrong
It's a trash site and I hate it but I'm too stubborn to find a more functioning one, plus I really like some of my friends on there

@HighPockets group

I know, right? He isn't even scary, or like, monstery. He's just a blonde twink and if I wanted that I'd reread the Picture of Dorian Gray.

If the writer wanted a Soft Boi, Clerval and Basil are right there? Even possibly Jekyll, but that's a pretty surface-level reading of his character, based on spotty memories from 7th grade. Or maybe Victor or the Creature. Hyde would be my last choice besides Lord Henry.

Deleted user

I mean they also made Jekyll a young twink and while I too have been guilty of that, I have learned the error of my ways and done things more morally grey and fairly book-accurate. Idk I just,,, I'm going feral. I am going wholly feral and it is this stupid comic's fault.

@HighPockets group

Also I hate Frankenstein retelling that try to have a love triangle where Victor and Henry are both in love with Elizabeth, get that heteronormative bullshit out of my face. Especially when the writers then use that to create drama between the guys; it's a very out of character take on them and their relationship, whether you read it as romantic or platonic.

Deleted user

Yeah, like, also, there is evidence in text that neither Victor nor Elizabeth wanted to marry at all! Like, they were only doing it to please their parents, not because they wanted to do the yiffy wiffy or whatever people think these days! Honestly…. Liza is Vic's adopted sister! What! The! Fuck!