forum Talk about things you hate without judgement.
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people_alt 105 followers

Deleted user

I hate when I mess up in gym class and the other people in my class give each other the look

Like if you're gonna talk trash about at least do it out loud

@Becfromthedead group

I feel so dumb
I've basically lost all will to do my work and pay attention in class.
I'm seriously considering quitting my job before they fire me because I suck at what I do.
How do you tell your boss you're depressed and the type of work you're doing is damn near impossible when you're spiraling?

Deleted user

I hate when people go "oh without makeup and looking like a clown I didn't recognize you" and go "oh you look so much better with makeup on" when I'm having an off day and not wearing any makeup and just wearing jeans and an oversized tee

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

My strategy is to not wear makeup ever lmao
I don't like makeup
The one time I wore makeup was in like, 6th grade for our school musical
Anything beyond that is probably me drawing a Luffy scar on my face with a Sharpie

Deleted user

I like makeup though… It makes me feel not human and not human is good

@nebula__ group

i hate makeup-
mostly cuz i have no clue how to use it properly, let alone how to make it look good on me
every time i try on makeup i just feel like a failure i-

Deleted user

i hate makeup-
mostly cuz i have no clue how to use it properly, let alone how to make it look good on me
every time i try on makeup i just feel like a failure i-

Me too…me too

@nebula__ group

i hate makeup-
mostly cuz i have no clue how to use it properly, let alone how to make it look good on me
every time i try on makeup i just feel like a failure i-

Me too…me too

hhHhhh i'm glad i'm not the only one–

@Kamea public

I h a t e when people wanna sit on their asses and not vote, and then complain when the person they wanted in office doesn't get elected. If you want a change, do your part to make it happen, don't expect others to do it for you.

@spacebluelily language

When people respond with only a one-liner, every single god damn time.
I don't mind if you post it three or four times, and even if you make the one-liner descriptive. I can work with that. But for lord's sake, don't just respond with one-liners. Come on, you can do better than that. Give me something to work with. Sometimes, when they just constantly post a one-liner, It just makes me feel like not wanting to continue the RP.

@Kamea public

When people respond with only a one-liner, every single god damn time.
I don't mind if you post it three or four times, and even if you make the one-liner descriptive. I can work with that. But for lord's sake, don't just respond with one-liners. Come on, you can do better than that. Give me something to work with. Sometimes, when they just constantly post a one-liner, It just makes me feel like not wanting to continue the RP.

Worse, it's dialogue that sounds choppy. For example, you asked their character what they like to do out of school and they say this:

"My favourite thing to do when I am not in school is play games. This is my favourite thing to do because it is fun. It is fun because it keeps me not bored which is good. Others things don’t make my boredom go away. So video games are my favourite not-in-school thing to do."

@furetakunai ac_unit

Additionally, receiving this as a reply, is one of the hardest things to work with in an RP:

"Okay," she/he/they/*insert pronoun* said.

Finish. Sometimes I don't even get the '*blank* said' part

@Becfromthedead group

I hate being online and then not replying to my rps…
Like I stg it's nothing against anybody. It takes a different kind of energy to simply talk than it does to write.

@spacebluelily language

Additionally, receiving this as a reply, is one of the hardest things to work with in an RP:

"Okay," she/he/they/*insert pronoun* said.

Finish. Sometimes I don't even get the '*blank* said' part

Oh, yeah. I agree.


additionally, i hate when people don't understand that in a roleplay, both people have to work to keep the roleplay going through their respective responses. one of the biggest reasons i have so many old dropped roleplays is people just. saying things but not saying things. you can write all you want, you can give a five paragraph response with great inner dialogue and shit, but if you don't actually do anything then there's nothing to respond to. nothing for the other person's character to do but likewise sit and think because you're not pushing anything

@HighPockets group

additionally, i hate when people don't understand that in a roleplay, both people have to work to keep the roleplay going through their respective responses. one of the biggest reasons i have so many old dropped roleplays is people just. saying things but not saying things. you can write all you want, you can give a five paragraph response with great inner dialogue and shit, but if you don't actually do anything then there's nothing to respond to. nothing for the other person's character to do but likewise sit and think because you're not pushing anything

Oh yes, this. There's so many roleplays/character chats where people will just respond with "[character] did X" and that's it. Like, what am I supposed to do? Where do I go from there? But the people who write whole-ass essays that don't give you anything to respond to are just as bad. I'm probably guilty of that, since a lot of my characters tend to have pretty active inner monologues but still.

@HighPockets group

And a special mention to people who'll say things like "[character] started humming/singing something ~familiar~" just to get attention when other characters are doing their own thing or, like, talking together, because that's annoying as hell.