forum Talk about things you hate without judgement.
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 105 followers

Deleted user

He attempted to kill her, but failed. I couldn't think of a better term

Deleted user

… He isn't in prison. YET. When I get there though… I swear to all the higher powers…

Deleted user

Have you met your girlfriend IRL, or talked to her over a video chat?

VC, yes. IRL, no…


I don't know this person, I don't know your relationship with her, and I don't know whether or not someone actually tried to kill her and is somehow still walking free, but that is a pretty fantastical story. Excuse me for pressing doubt, but I just can't wrap my head around that situation.

Deleted user

I don't know this person, I don't know your relationship with her, and I don't know whether or not someone actually tried to kill her and is somehow still walking free, but that is a pretty fantastical story. Excuse me for pressing doubt, but I just can't wrap my head around that situation.

Fair point, fair point. And I don't expect you to understand fully, I just came here to express how I felt about it at that moment.

Deleted user

When people share their opinions without thinking about how it could hurt other people.

For example, our L.A. teacher was talking about some topic(I can't remember what) and then it somehow ended in him trash-talking Trump. Although I don't support Trump, there were people in that room that did and I just kinda felt bad for them because their L.A. teacher was talking about someone they supported and they couldn't really do anything about it without getting in trouble.

Deleted user

Man, I hate when my mom yells at me just becuase she's stressed like… "I understand you're under a lot of stress but that doesn't give you the right to yell at me"

Deleted user

I hate it when I made Halloween plans with my friend to have a Harry Potter movie marathon, but I feel sick, so I have to cancel it… :(


Vegan activists. If you're a vegan who says there isn't any reason why in today's age someone should have to/would want to consume animal products of all kinds unless they're depraved, you're an ableist and a classist. I hope you have a terrible day.
The rest of the vegans are fine, just not those ones.

Deleted user

Ugh… Vegans.
vegans are fine, Vegans are not.
Big difference.

@Becfromthedead group

^^^ and very militant vegans in general. People who value animal rights more than human rights. My ex-gf was like that…
I'm a vegetarian, but I'm chill af lmao