forum Talk about things you hate without judgement.
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people_alt 105 followers


you guys seem to assume that i have never before eaten soap in my life, which, for starters, is highly offensive. and to continue, it doesn't taste good enough to be worth feeling like i chugged laxatives

@Mojack group

If i eated soap. I dont eat it bc I did. No I didnt <3

got reminded of that because of this conversation, but yes, I’ve also eaten soap before


coward. shrimp is incredible

though on a serious note it could be a texture thing, i know a lot of people who don't know why they hate it until i ask 'is it the texture' and they're like 'yES'.

on textures that suck. can bananas not. i hate the texture of bananas with every fiber of my being

@Mojack group

I love shrimp and all sorts of seafood, although I’d understand why someone might not like it.

Bugs, on the other hand…even though I still haven’t had a lot of them, I’ve had mealworms (not alive, I don’t think I’d ever eat a bug that’s alive) and they were good. I’m definitely interested in eating insects, and while I know they aren’t insects, I do want to try fried tarantulas.