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@HighPockets group

I think that's one of the major reasons why I preferred PJO to HoO. We actually got to see Percy develop and grow but then we move onto the next series and then BOOM! Five brand new MAIN characters. They didn't get nearly as much development and Percy and Annabeth's development just seemed to stop. By the time I finished reading HoO, Percy and Annabeth felt the same as they did when I finished reading PJO.

HoO characters (from my recollection, I read the series a while ago and don't remember a ton) would have, like, one insecurity that would get dealt with in half a book and then never develop again.

@HighPockets group

Eh, that's a general trope of MG hidden world fantasy though. Although it's not something that should have been in every single series, like eventually we get it, the gods are real, we understand.

@HighPockets group

OH and on the topic of bad LGBTQ+ rep,

@larcenistarsonist group


Honestly it felt like Rick took a fish and slapped me with it

Like??????? Out of nowhere??????? And just??????????????????????????????????

I had to reread that part multiple times and I was still confused?

@larcenistarsonist group

Also all of his POC characters were icky and he did no research on any minority characters at all and I hate it

and yes!!! the only thing I liked about the movies was POC Grover

@HighPockets group

Also all of his POC characters were icky and he did no research on any minority characters at all and I hate it

and yes!!! the only thing I liked about the movies was POC Grover

They kinda just made him into the "Black Best Friend" trope though

@larcenistarsonist group

Also all of his POC characters were icky and he did no research on any minority characters at all and I hate it

and yes!!! the only thing I liked about the movies was POC Grover

They kinda just made him into the "Black Best Friend" trope though

yeah true true


hot take: none of the canon pjo characters were even as good as we imagine them to be, the canon kinda sucked especially in the second series and its fanon that made them any good. fanon reyna? fanon nico(hes an annoying preteen mcr loving emo shit in canon, i said what i said)? fanon piper is god tier but canon piper was a hot mess written by a white man who didnt realize trying isnt always the best option

@Pickles group

hot take: none of the canon pjo characters were even as good as we imagine them to be, the canon kinda sucked especially in the second series and its fanon that made them any good. fanon reyna? fanon nico(hes an annoying preteen mcr loving emo shit in canon, i said what i said)? fanon piper is god tier but canon piper was a hot mess written by a white man who didnt realize trying isnt always the best option


@HighPockets group

hot take: none of the canon pjo characters were even as good as we imagine them to be, the canon kinda sucked especially in the second series and its fanon that made them any good. fanon reyna? fanon nico(hes an annoying preteen mcr loving emo shit in canon, i said what i said)? fanon piper is god tier but canon piper was a hot mess written by a white man who didnt realize trying isnt always the best option


For sure. RR tried to force in so many new leads in the second series that none got developed beyond baseline characteristics (something that also wasn't helped by 1) the weird way he wrote the women of color, 2) third person POV, 3) so many POV switches a book, and 4) having nine major characters with perspectives split over 5 books) and even Percy and Annabeth didn't really grow at all.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

And that would be one reason I struggle to work on my draft cause I have a lot of characters and everyone is important but I need to stick to one POV)

@Becfromthedead group

Me: sticks to a whole 5 POVs πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€
Bad habit, but I think it runs smoothly enough in 3rd person, as long as you give proper exposition when you switch.

@Pickles group

Being tired on a weekend night. I wanna stay up till four and then sleep until evening, not get tired at 11. I can go to bed at 11 on a school night and still get enough sleep


this is gonna sound so fucking pretentious but i hate it when people who listen to generic pop music tell me my music taste is bad like bitch u dont even have a taste in music you listen to the default music

@larcenistarsonist group

Omfg Default Music–

On the topic of music, it pisses me off when people wear band t shirts of bands they've never listend to for the style. I love looking people dead in the eye and saying "metallica, hmm? What's your favorite song?"

Deleted user

i'm a filthy anime dub watcher but live action shows with dubs are weird


There's this movie in Irish called Arracht, and it really blew up (especially for an Irish language film), and I saw a news article talking about how it'll be dubbed for the American audiences. Like bruh. That's ridiculous. This is an Irish language film, it's important that it's in Irish, it's important for the language and community of speakers- if Americans can watch Parasite and love it, they can watch Arracht in the language it's intended to be in.
So yeah. I hate dubs too. Not just for minority language films.