forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@Im-just-here-idk-what-life-means group

in response to the long bit by @-_Cinnamon-_

TBH i feel slightly confused and slightly disappointed in myself, cause I've asked like 6 different girls if they wanted to go to prom with me #seniorinhighschool and they all said no in some creative excuse. Low-key coulda just said you didn't wanna instead of lying to my fucking face. Ayaya. Anyway, just another episode of me being lonely, but i feel like I'm the one who tried to take jumps like that(but not that far) and fucking fell six thousand feet and my bones ceased to exist.

On a side note,
This one time in my freshman year, there was this super cute girl that i liked, and one day i decided to basically ask her out(i may have jumped when i heard she broke up with someone else). Anyway, this was back when i was like still super hyper and energetic. So i asked her and yk what she said?

I'm sorry, but i think of you more like a little brother.

Fucking critical hit on the soul, nothing will ever hurt more than that. I was never the same after that. I swear that shit was the actual start of my social anxiety, and it why it worsens around decent looking women.

On that happy note, let him down easy if you can. Boys get sad too.

@False-andrew flash_on

As a woman who's into men and women I can agree both have emotions that include SADNESS!!! Istg, the next story I hear of a girl just flat out lying to a boy or simply saying nothing but a word, like "ew," I'll stab someone, and I really mean that

@spacebluelily language

"if it gets any colder it's gonna feel like Canada" ~ my math teacher

If this ain’t the truth
It’s been between 0 and 10 degrees (F) all week and it’s miseryyyyyy
The walk from my car to my class is brutal

god, it's been the same here as well. and today it's supposed to rain all day and continue through tomorrow, I've had to wear two sweaters + a long-sleeved shirt the past couple of days just to keep warm and usually it's just one sweater + a long-sleeved shirt

Laughs in Ex-Alaskan who now lives in the South, where it is currently in the 70s in February.

Facts. Georgia, we chilling at 76 ish


I DON"T WANT TO DEAL WITH THE RAIN AND COLD NO MORE ENOUGH RAIN ENOUGH (even though we actually need it cause our state is in a fucking drought but some places got flooded literally last month and i don't want that again)

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

*Dies mentally *
*Prepares rant because I have no where else to rant and I'm also very bored right now… *
I'm working on a writing project with four of my friends. It was fun, except one of my friends basically took over the whole project and made her character the most important. We arranged a meeting to talk to her about it, except she didn't show, so we started a different project without her to take a break.
She found out, and she's decides she's in the story too, and basically makes a copy of one of the characters we're already using and making the rest of us insignificant like always. We meet up again without her and decide we're going to tell her she can't, the answer is no, plus the fact that she's been cyberbullying on text. Extept IRL, she still treats us like her best friends and hasn't brought it up since.
I have no clue if we should still tell her our answer and get it over with or wait until she asks about it
*All mental stability is flung out the window *
*Debates *

I think you should just tell her

And I know we should
but she's also the kind of person who screams and cries and throws fits and is a jerk if she doesn't get what she wants
And I think the friends I'm working with are slightly scared of that because this friend is also fairly popular and can be… is stupid the right word? I don't even know.

ugh, I'm sorry, that sounds tough. best of luck, whatever you decide to do

If she wants to act like a toddler you better believe I'd treat her like one. If you want to scream and cry and throw a fit, homie you need to go to time out to think about your actions and you need naptime. This is a grown human. Like way past the toddler stage. You best believe I'd sit her down and talk to her. I ain't even gotta do anything. I just have to bring out the Scottish and tell her I'm incredibly disappointed in her actions. There's something different about a Scotsman telling you that you've disappointed them. It's soul crushing. In the off chance she would want to get physical, no chance. The Alaskan and Scotsman make for a wicked combo.


Apparently my coworker got uncomfortable when I told another coworker and fellow college kid where to go to pirate textbooks. Like? Listen Jemma, I have this job to pay for tuition. I can't afford to shell out $500 on a textbook I'll look at twice so mind your own business

@Nightmare_Eclipse language

*Dies mentally *
*Prepares rant because I have no where else to rant and I'm also very bored right now… *
I'm working on a writing project with four of my friends. It was fun, except one of my friends basically took over the whole project and made her character the most important. We arranged a meeting to talk to her about it, except she didn't show, so we started a different project without her to take a break.
She found out, and she's decides she's in the story too, and basically makes a copy of one of the characters we're already using and making the rest of us insignificant like always. We meet up again without her and decide we're going to tell her she can't, the answer is no, plus the fact that she's been cyberbullying on text. Extept IRL, she still treats us like her best friends and hasn't brought it up since.
I have no clue if we should still tell her our answer and get it over with or wait until she asks about it
*All mental stability is flung out the window *
*Debates *

I think you should just tell her

And I know we should
but she's also the kind of person who screams and cries and throws fits and is a jerk if she doesn't get what she wants
And I think the friends I'm working with are slightly scared of that because this friend is also fairly popular and can be… is stupid the right word? I don't even know.

ugh, I'm sorry, that sounds tough. best of luck, whatever you decide to do

If she wants to act like a toddler you better believe I'd treat her like one. If you want to scream and cry and throw a fit, homie you need to go to time out to think about your actions and you need naptime. This is a grown human. Like way past the toddler stage. You best believe I'd sit her down and talk to her. I ain't even gotta do anything. I just have to bring out the Scottish and tell her I'm incredibly disappointed in her actions. There's something different about a Scotsman telling you that you've disappointed them. It's soul crushing. In the off chance she would want to get physical, no chance. The Alaskan and Scotsman make for a wicked combo.

I love that advice, Winter :) That is so true
So I'm not dead
but now she's really really really mad at us
so we might still all die
[Insert fireworks here]

@just_gabs_needs_coffee group

So i just gotta say this;
I do a lot of video editing for fun and I make videos for my friends a lot; I was going back and watching videos that I put together for my friends when we graduated and the highlights of that summer, and I realized that graduating high school and that summer was like, the best time of my life so far and I love my friends and it was incredible, and we could just go do fun stuff and felt really free and had a blast all summer and I miss that but I worry that I won't reach that feeling again.
does that make sense to anyone?

@Darkblossom group

So i just gotta say this;
I do a lot of video editing for fun and I make videos for my friends a lot; I was going back and watching videos that I put together for my friends when we graduated and the highlights of that summer, and I realized that graduating high school and that summer was like, the best time of my life so far and I love my friends and it was incredible, and we could just go do fun stuff and felt really free and had a blast all summer and I miss that but I worry that I won't reach that feeling again.
does that make sense to anyone?

Oh yeah, I felt that way about my first performance at my new ballet studio, worried that it would never feel the same way again. But hey, life goes on a long time. We're still just at the very start of the rest of our lives. More highs like that are inevitable, as long as you are in the present enough to enjoy them.

@just_gabs_needs_coffee group

So i just gotta say this;
I do a lot of video editing for fun and I make videos for my friends a lot; I was going back and watching videos that I put together for my friends when we graduated and the highlights of that summer, and I realized that graduating high school and that summer was like, the best time of my life so far and I love my friends and it was incredible, and we could just go do fun stuff and felt really free and had a blast all summer and I miss that but I worry that I won't reach that feeling again.
does that make sense to anyone?

Oh yeah, I felt that way about my first performance at my new ballet studio, worried that it would never feel the same way again. But hey, life goes on a long time. We're still just at the very start of the rest of our lives. More highs like that are inevitable, as long as you are in the present enough to enjoy them.

this actually made my afternoon, thanks so much :)
being present can be a struggle for me sometimes so having a reminder like that is always helpful :D

Deleted user

My dad asked me to clean my room, and then said "I'm dead serious"

So then I said "No, Sirus is dead Sirius."

I'm sad now

Omg noooooo

@just_gabs_needs_coffee group

My dad asked me to clean my room, and then said "I'm dead serious"

So then I said "No, Sirus is dead Sirius."

I'm sad now

Omg noooooo

A moment of silence for Sirius Black

Press F to pay respects
