Hit me up, I'll give you my Genshin Impact User ID.
Hello, you random person looking at my profile. I am 18 years old(as of 2022). I'm straight. Pronouns he/him.
Jeff Bezos and the stonks dude are, in fact, the same.
Meet (RinRin Joziru)[https://www.notebook.ai/plan/characters/1217913], the baddest badass bitch to ever be created. He's a superbeing with control over fire, darkness and mind, and an unknown element with unknown capabilities...
Writing, Roleplaying, Death, Coding, Practicing my clairvoyant abilities
Fiction, Action
Rick Riordan
Michael Vey Series
"If people don't like you for being you, that's their problem. Never fail to be yourself."
My imagination~, Other people's ideas

layers Utopian Dream arrow_right
Have fun pronouncing that! Reconditioning is always the answer >:)