@Im-just-here-idk-what-life-means group
Anyone rolling for Hu Tao? I know I am. 65 pity with 32 reserved wishes. I just hope I don't lose this 50/50.
Anyone rolling for Hu Tao? I know I am. 65 pity with 32 reserved wishes. I just hope I don't lose this 50/50.
I'm planning on seeing if I can get a C1 Yelan(already have her) but more likely I'll lose the 50/50,
I literally just lost fifty fifty on HuTao to c2 Diluc. Literally about to quit genshin 😭. Not going up yet. Still got 19 days to get her should Be ez
Oof…. good luck with that! I'm at least hoping that when I lose, I can get one of the standard 5-stars I don't have yet. Specifically Tighnari, since he has a local specialty tracking skill
im in it for hu tao and hu tao only XD ;-;
I admire your optimism and enthusiasm. Good luck!
well i have bp and welkin so 48 wishes until she vanishes… next five star is guaranteed so, i think ill be ok
oh god i haven't played genshin in ages,, i kinda wanna get back into it so i can justify spending money to get albedo and ganyu like last year lmfao
I got HuTao on Saturday, already got her to like 5k skill, 40k burst. There's your reason lol
Yeah, but you have to spend all that time getting the local specialties, and the boss materials…. Basically the only reason why I don't play it as much as I used to.
I only spent a week and a half getting materials before I got her LOL:
anyone trying to drop their User ID numbers?
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