@Knight-Shives group
Sometimes you want to talk about random things nobody asked about or show something you found. So do it here
Sometimes you want to talk about random things nobody asked about or show something you found. So do it here
I’m 35 and just want to be a duck
this made me laugh
A character I made once hates frogs. There's no reason, he just hates 'em.
You ever think about a character being named True Love and going around kissing people in spells becuase of loopholes?
A quote that a writer I like said that I found in an article
“I’m done writing books where it’s assumed the protagonist and supporting cast are straight. I’m done writing about queer sexuality as though it’s something that must be explained or justified.”
I always end up seeing some aspect s of who I am in my characters wether I mean to put part of me into them or not.
My big scary fighter boy has a horse named Princess.
I had chicken pox twice.
12 Benadryl has the same effect as LSD
(Don't try it. Don't be stupid. Alright kiddos?)
12 Benadryl has the same effect as LSD
(Don't try it. Don't be stupid. Alright kiddos?)
… but now I really wanna
I'm super afraid of bees for no particular reason other than the thing where they buzz and fly really close to your ear
12 Benadryl has the same effect as LSD
(Don't try it. Don't be stupid. Alright kiddos?)… but now I really wanna
I'm super afraid of bees for no particular reason other than the thing where they buzz and fly really close to your ear
I can relate! I'm not allergic to them, but being stung still isn't fun. The first time I was stung was actually on/in my earlobe!
I'm super afraid of bees for no particular reason other than the thing where they buzz and fly really close to your ear
I can relate! I'm not allergic to them, but being stung still isn't fun. The first time I was stung was actually on/in my earlobe!
Yeah I got stung under my chin and it got stuck in my jacket and I didn’t notice until the nurse told me to take my jacket off
I'm super afraid of bees for no particular reason other than the thing where they buzz and fly really close to your ear
I can relate! I'm not allergic to them, but being stung still isn't fun. The first time I was stung was actually on/in my earlobe!
Yeah I got stung under my chin and it got stuck in my jacket and I didn’t notice until the nurse told me to take my jacket off
The first time I was stung, it was literally right on my knuckle. I don't understand how it was right there.
I used to worry that all my stories were too "soft" and that they didn't have enough bad stuff in them, but now I'm actively trying to make them softer and I regret nothing.
In Arizona, I had over 20 chicks. Out of 20 about 3-4 died.
Has anyone even actually seen a woodchuck?
Yeah, it chucks wood
I’ve come to use Perfume as an air freshener, there’s three reasons I have no clue if I have actual air freshener, I have like 8 unused perfume bottles, and also air freshener in my opinion always seems like it’s trying to cover up a smell and perfume doesn’t completely seem like that
I had a dream about lying in bed with a very handsome well known male celebrity.
Mandarin Chinese is probably the closest thing I have to a second language. I've taken classes and studied it the most. It's not my favorite language, and it won't be my second for much longer, but it's the one I'm most knowledgable about. There are phrases in Chinese that are constantly running through my brain now, and some Chinese is apart of my internal dialogue. Sometimes I have to actively stop and think in English to respond to someone. I can recognize the language on TV, but when someone asks what they're saying I have no idea.
I often confuse the Hebrew "toda" and the German "danke" for the English thank you. I've never studied Japanese, but I know "neko" means cat, so sometimes I'll confuse "neko" and the Chinese "mao" with cat. I confuse the Irish "sé" with he/him and "sí" with she/her. A fox in my head is better known as the Irish "sionnbach" and a fish is the Hebrew "dag". Sometimes goodmorning is better known as the Arabic "sabah al-khyr" or the German "guten Morgen". There's a ton of little bits and pieces of foreign language filling my head replacing my mother tongue. All this and I'm still not fluent in anything but English.
That's not a bad start! But the vowels in Irish and Gaelic are not what they seeeemmmmmm those buggers….
I had a dream about a giant spider, as wide as the hallway outside my room, and three little pugs trying to kill me. I was like, 6 or 7 maybe.
That's not a bad start! But the vowels in Irish and Gaelic are not what they seeeemmmmmm those buggers….
Lol ikr
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