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Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

i am delighted to hear that i’m whimsical

Sprites/spriggen are tricky. They like to play tricks, and pranks. They enjoy life and run around doing whatever they feel like.

yeah thats me

Well congrats on being a spriggen! (Or sprite however you look at it)


last thanksgiving i broke a lightbulb over pumpkin roll

i feel like there's a story behind this

there is
so it was at my great grandma's house, and she has this one light that hangs really low and since i'm tall i bump into it a lot
i was also sitting directly under the light
it was at the part at the end where we were giving away food
they asked "who wants pumpkin roll?" and i really love pumpkin roll so i shot my hand up…
and hit the light and broke a lightbulb
and then later i almost did the same thing with mac and cheese

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The fact that there're so many gaps in Irish mythology makes me unreasonably sad. Like, in the myths there were these all powerful, nature controlling, beasts/people/spirits that were constantly at war with the people, but there's almost no description of them. No one wrote down why they were at war, what they looked like, anything. My thirst for story intensifies when that stuff is just missing.

They probably assumed it would always be that way. That it would be taught in school and the mythical creatures would still walk among us.

It still is. Granted I don't know much, but stories that I have heard from some of my Irish buddies, have never been written down. For them, it's like their biggest secrets. Stories that have and will never be written down. It's a pride thing. There are some that I know, but I'm not at liberty to tell them. I value their family tradition, and I value their honor code. I'm not going to disrespect that. (Plus, I'm sure they know how to hide a body where it would never be found… 😂) For mythical creatures, I can give you this. They associate eye colors and hair colors and hair types with beings. For example, green eyes, and curly brown hair, are associated with wild forest nymphs. (Not the wisps, they find that an offensive mistake…) While short brown or black hair that's pin straight, and big brown eyes are associated with Selkies. If you want to know what kind of mythical being they'd associate you with just let me know and I can give it a shot. But no guarantees on what I can do 😂

What about curly brown hair and caramel brown eyes?

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I've been given a mop, a trashbin, old shoes, and another fucking trashcan in animal crossing pocket camp
I think it's trying to tell me something

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I've been given a mop, a trashbin, old shoes, and another fucking trashcan in animal crossing pocket camp
I think it's trying to tell me something

Are you Cinderella??

No, but I am reading a cinderella esque story

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

I've been given a mop, a trashbin, old shoes, and another fucking trashcan in animal crossing pocket camp
I think it's trying to tell me something

Sharpen the mop, knock them out with shoe nunchucks, cut up and throw away the bodies.

@GameMaster group

My mom said she would order me some books off amazon and I was like sweet but she's holding them hostage until my birthday whiCH IS IN TWO WEEKS AND NOW I HAVE TO WAIT TWO MORE WEEKS TO CONTINUE THE SERIES I WAS READING

@Starfast group

Made a moodboard for when my friend brings up her annoying boyfriend totally unprompted for the 5205497th time in like 10 minutes


The song Right This Way from Bandstand is the anthem to my extended essay project and it’s motivating me more than anything has in freaking months.
I’m honestly so captivated with this project and I’m so happy with choosing this cause I’m reading the lyrics from Bandstand and writing down everything I can cite and it’s amazing

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I'm in a zoom call for writing and people and writing is very scary but it's exciting and I got to show off my gold ink


I wore my shirt inside out all day because I didn't wanna bother to fix it. Today was the first good day I've had in too long. I was even productive. Just now I put it on the right way, and bumped myself so hard I think I'll swell and bruise. So I have a new superstition-
Shirt inside out=good luck
Shirt right way= bad luck

@Knight-Shives group

At the doctor’s earlier my doctor had to do the scoliosis check where you bend down so they could look at your spine.
She said “You’re perfectly straight” when she was done checking
I succeeded in not laughing