forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

people_alt 206 followers


I'm thinking about the time me and my friend completely blew the mind of our guy friend with how fast we can get an elastic from our wrists to out hair- To us, it was very unimpressive, but he was in complete shock for a good minute.

Yes at first Cinnamon did it, and he didn't believe her than I did it and he was indeed shocked for a good minute.

'twas very hilarious
He looked as shocked as he would have been if I had pulled a live bird out of my pocket

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Collegiate buds. (Potentially HS) Especially journalism homies, do you guys find it difficult to write in AP style and then switch to MLA for essays for English classes?

i HATE mla formatting
its the worst!

I've actually grown fond of it. Turabian, which is specifically for research papers, is horrible to work with. I'm starting to tolerate AP (Associated Press) style, which is strictly for journalism, but it has so many variations on each specific style. Like news writing has a distinctly different style than a social media piece. And each one has their own specific set of AP rules.

Deleted user

I'm thinking about the time me and my friend completely blew the mind of our guy friend with how fast we can get an elastic from our wrists to out hair- To us, it was very unimpressive, but he was in complete shock for a good minute.

Yes at first Cinnamon did it, and he didn't believe her than I did it and he was indeed shocked for a good minute.

how fast did you do it?
.2 seconds?
bc thats normal
did you do it faster than .2 seconds?


I'm thinking about the time me and my friend completely blew the mind of our guy friend with how fast we can get an elastic from our wrists to out hair- To us, it was very unimpressive, but he was in complete shock for a good minute.

Yes at first Cinnamon did it, and he didn't believe her than I did it and he was indeed shocked for a good minute.

how fast did you do it?
.2 seconds?
bc thats normal
did you do it faster than .2 seconds?

No, it was just the regular .2 seconds. Apparently he had never seen that happen before.

@spacebluelily language

i am forced to do this surprise exam that has literally everything from spelling to math and to lords knows what. and i realized i no longer know how to find the volume of cube or how to round a number to the nearest thousandths…and i have no idea how to write foreign on paper?????? i mean i do, but it took me a while and even so i wrote it wrong and I WROTE PHARAOH WITHOUT THE SECOND A AND SHXHXSHDX


I went to a little Valentine's Day party thing yesterday, and on the way home a dog ran right in front of the car and we weren't able to stop in time. I ended up crying for a good twenty minutes because it reminded me of the dog we had a few years ago.

Deleted user

I'm thinking about the time me and my friend completely blew the mind of our guy friend with how fast we can get an elastic from our wrists to out hair- To us, it was very unimpressive, but he was in complete shock for a good minute.

Yes at first Cinnamon did it, and he didn't believe her than I did it and he was indeed shocked for a good minute.

how fast did you do it?
.2 seconds?
bc thats normal
did you do it faster than .2 seconds?

No, it was just the regular .2 seconds. Apparently he had never seen that happen before.



I'm thinking about the time me and my friend completely blew the mind of our guy friend with how fast we can get an elastic from our wrists to out hair- To us, it was very unimpressive, but he was in complete shock for a good minute.

Yes at first Cinnamon did it, and he didn't believe her than I did it and he was indeed shocked for a good minute.

how fast did you do it?
.2 seconds?
bc thats normal
did you do it faster than .2 seconds?

No, it was just the regular .2 seconds. Apparently he had never seen that happen before.


Yes. This is a thing.

@Im-just-here-idk-what-life-means group

(enjoy having an aneurysm from trying to understand this)

I got a certificate today. Wasn't sure if it was certified so i took it to a certifiably certified certifier so he could certify the certification. Found out he wasn't certified. I made sure i certifiably certified his face in a course called 'how to bleed'. Then i handed him a certificate that said 'this certifiably certified certificate is given to you as a certification of certified certifying. This certifies you can certifiably certify people with a non certified certificate.

Deleted user

(enjoy having an aneurysm from trying to understand this)

I got a certificate today. Wasn't sure if it was certified so i took it to a certifiably certified certifier so he could certify the certification. Found out he wasn't certified. I made sure i certifiably certified his face in a course called 'how to bleed'. Then i handed him a certificate that said 'this certifiably certified certificate is given to you as a certification of certified certifying. This certifies you can certifiably certify people with a non certified certificate.

Godzilla had a stroke trying to read this and f***ing died

I’m sorry I saw the opportunity and took it lmao

Deleted user

I cried after we did a scene for our play today. Like, bawled my eyes out.

@Mr.Spetzer Premium Supporter

I have chronic pain in my foot since I was a kid, I've learned to live with it but I take my sock off to show people my foot twitching weird to freak them out.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

(enjoy having an aneurysm from trying to understand this)

I got a certificate today. Wasn't sure if it was certified so i took it to a certifiably certified certifier so he could certify the certification. Found out he wasn't certified. I made sure i certifiably certified his face in a course called 'how to bleed'. Then i handed him a certificate that said 'this certifiably certified certificate is given to you as a certification of certified certifying. This certifies you can certifiably certify people with a non certified certificate.

Not me understanding it 👀

Deleted user

(enjoy having an aneurysm from trying to understand this)

I got a certificate today. Wasn't sure if it was certified so i took it to a certifiably certified certifier so he could certify the certification. Found out he wasn't certified. I made sure i certifiably certified his face in a course called 'how to bleed'. Then i handed him a certificate that said 'this certifiably certified certificate is given to you as a certification of certified certifying. This certifies you can certifiably certify people with a non certified certificate.

Not me understanding it 👀

…what is this sorcery


I am so drained right now, but I've got 3 huge tests this week, a bunch of homework, my final project (based around the week we chose is when we present), I have like 5 different peoples birthdays that people want me to do something, I am giving blood for the first time in a couple years (thats freaking me out), and I'm finally starting shooting lessons. I don't even have the energy to watch Youtube right now

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

(enjoy having an aneurysm from trying to understand this)

I got a certificate today. Wasn't sure if it was certified so i took it to a certifiably certified certifier so he could certify the certification. Found out he wasn't certified. I made sure i certifiably certified his face in a course called 'how to bleed'. Then i handed him a certificate that said 'this certifiably certified certificate is given to you as a certification of certified certifying. This certifies you can certifiably certify people with a non certified certificate.

Not me understanding it 👀

…what is this sorcery

Idk man I can just understand it. It's pretty funky to think about.

@Nightmare_Eclipse language

(enjoy having an aneurysm from trying to understand this)

I got a certificate today. Wasn't sure if it was certified so i took it to a certifiably certified certifier so he could certify the certification. Found out he wasn't certified. I made sure i certifiably certified his face in a course called 'how to bleed'. Then i handed him a certificate that said 'this certifiably certified certificate is given to you as a certification of certified certifying. This certifies you can certifiably certify people with a non certified certificate.

I think I just broke my brain reading this…
wut the heck

Deleted user

I finally finished writing a 500 word summary on my science project. Did I cheat a little bit to get to the word count? Yes. Do I care? No. Will my science teacher care? He probably won’t even notice—