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@HeyBlueJay group

Does anyone know how I could summon/manifest something somewhat friendly, or at least neutral? Just like a little void guy? I don’t know much about entities in general but I straight up Don’t Have Any Friends and it would be very nice to have a little fella to keep me company and at this point I don’t have much to lose

Please do not do this, please. There are demons in this world whose sole goal is to wreck your life and drag you to hell with them. I believe they will take advantage of you if you try to do this. You will be getting yourself into unimaginable trouble I am sure. Demons only want to see you burn in hell, so whatever they do to you it won't be good. I don't know if I have experienced encounters with demons personally but I have had some truly terrifying sleep paralysis dreams (too many to count) and have been threatened in them before. Idk if those are spiritual or not but I got them when I started showing an interest in that kind of stuff.
Idk what would happen or how it would happen if you go through with this but I can guarantee it won't be good. Also, the devil appears as an angel of light and I believe is very charismatic but his intentions are evil and for your demise. He encouraged Eve to eat the fruit in the garden saying enticing things to her- when he knew it would be the downfall of her and all mankind.

you can do spirit/entity work without working with demons, it just requires that you are careful and do a lot of research

There are only angels, and fallen angels (demons). And considering that the devil is a liar( the first liar in fact), I believe he and any demon would tell you whatever you want to hear and claim to be any type of spirit if you would believe them. They literally just want to ruin you.

@PurplePartyTiger language

Ok, how do I befriend the crows wise one?

Can’t tell if this is sarcastic or not, but here’s what I did.

Lol sorry definitely not sarcastic, thanks so much! Really want to try this now.

@HeyBlueJay group

claiming that any attempts to communicate with spirits is going to invite demons is simply untrue and harmful. I respect that that is your belief (which means that that is indeed what might happen were you to do so) but that is not how it works for most other people who choose to experiment with entity or spirit work

I respect you to, and I don't want to upset you.
But I believe differently.
I know that it is wrong and harmful and I will not pretend as if it were any other way.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

claiming that any attempts to communicate with spirits is going to invite demons is simply untrue and harmful. I respect that that is your belief (which means that that is indeed what might happen were you to do so) but that is not how it works for most other people who choose to experiment with entity or spirit work

You are correct, but I’m going to try to explain it how I think it is portrayed in Christianity. And if any other Christians, or people with Biblical knowledge, or people who want to ask questions, please feel free to ask. Based on Christianity, there is a spirit you are supposed to interact with. It’s mentioned several times. The Holy Spirit, and the trinity. Or in better terms, the Godhead three in one. And there are spirits, that are mentioned to guard and protect. Such as guardian angels, the angel that guarded Eden, and signs sent down. For example, the various angels and beings sent down to interact with people and tell them what God told them to say. Such as Gabriel coming down to Mary. And funny enough, there were angels, (I believe they were fallen at the time) that interbred with humans and created a race of giants. That’s what Goliath was descended from, and what David had to kill. So the idea of good and bad, is out there, and what I mean based on my culture and religion (being Gaelic and Christianity) and belief is that you have to ask for the ability to have discernment and the ability to judge what is good and evil. Things may approach you, and good will either make itself known, or tell what their motive is off the bat, and evil likes to keep some of their motives hidden, until you’re blind to what they are doing. That’s where manipulation comes in. And this is where I said you have to be very aware as to what approaches you. There good and evil spirits, beings, etc. out there, you just have to learn how to discern between what is good, and what is evil. If that makes sense.
There is one person who I would love to come and give their opinion in all this. Dom? Would you please give me your opinion? I would love to see your take on this. I believe what I said is right, but please, If you seen anything wrong, please please please correct me, and show me your take.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Ok, how do I befriend the crows wise one?

Can’t tell if this is sarcastic or not, but here’s what I did.

Lol sorry definitely not sarcastic, thanks so much! Really want to try this now.

Bro it’s so much fun. There’s one that I am trying so hard to really convince that I am okay, that has feathers so dark they reflect blue instead of purple or green. I think it’s male based on the mannerisms and the actions, and the size of it and the shape of its beak, but it’s absolutely gorgeous. It’s the shiny I want.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I will say, from experience and with certainty, there are other creatures besides angels and fallen angels.

Yes there are, and I believe that is where cryptids, and mythology, and the things that we were told in stories as kids originate from. Good and bad. Times have changed, and so have the things that are out there. Shoot. I personally think Unicorns used to be wholly real, because we have the modern day horse. And tons of things were literally weaponized with points and spikes in the ice age. Like I believe a lot of thing were and are still real. They’ve just had the ability to change over time, like humans and humanity have.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Yes, do your research. Look up ways to get rid of them and pick what is closest to your beliefs. Trust your instincts. If you get the feeling that the entity is being manipulative and bad, get rid of them. You're going to have to be forceful about it because bad entities can be stubborn as hell. Also, please be aware that they like to target people who are vulnerable spiritually, mentally, and even emotionally.

@michael_rainer_eats_uranium group

I’ve done a small bit of deity work, mostly with Hades, Dionysus, and Lilith, but it wasn’t necessarily a friendship, more like a mentor sorta thing. My dad’s side of the family is Greek, so I’ve always kinda felt a connection to Ancient Greek deities. It did take a lot of effort to maintain that relationship with them, since it took a strong will (which I didn’t really have at the time, and still don’t really have). And around the time I was working with Lilith I hallucinated pretty often, and it was almost always eyes on my ceiling. One night Lilith deadass said “beware the eyes that watch in sonder, for they were not always eyes” and then I chickened out. I did make sure to give her a respectful farewell though.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Does anyone know how I could summon/manifest something somewhat friendly, or at least neutral? Just like a little void guy? I don’t know much about entities in general but I straight up Don’t Have Any Friends and it would be very nice to have a little fella to keep me company and at this point I don’t have much to lose

Do not cast about in the Nether just to get a buddy. That's like eating a peach of immortality to cure a cold or attempting to kill a spider w a nuke

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

My take Winter, is that we are infants of ignorance in regards to the spirit world and those who dwell there. I would not say that all spirits are evil or any such thing. We do know, however, that there are evil ones who like to mettle in the mortal plane, and that they are capable of deciet and can lure men to evil and madness. If we knew more, then perhaps we would all be free to meddle without fear. But it is… unwise to do so. I do not think we should fear the other realm in its entirety. But I think exercizing the utmost caution is the only wise path.
Think of it as that forest that goes deeper like the ocean post. Or Faerie. That is a better example. I believe the Celts held that Faerie was the literal spirit dimension that mankind could at times interact with.
I ain't gon mess around w any fae or whatever. I'm not tryna catch some bad luck that way

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

My take Winter, is that we are infants of ignorance in regards to the spirit world and those who dwell there. I would not say that all spirits are evil or any such thing. We do know, however, that there are evil ones who like to mettle in the mortal plane, and that they are capable of deciet and can lure men to evil and madness. If we knew more, then perhaps we would all be free to meddle without fear. But it is… unwise to do so. I do not think we should fear the other realm in its entirety. But I think exercizing the utmost caution is the only wise path.
Think of it as that forest that goes deeper like the ocean post. Or Faerie. That is a better example. I believe the Celts held that Faerie was the literal spirit dimension that mankind could at times interact with.
I ain't gon mess around w any fae or whatever. I'm not tryna catch some bad luck that way

Thank you for your input! I totally agree Dom.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

kill a spider w a nuke

What do you mean that’s the only reasonable way to get rid of a spider

I second that, screw spiders

Bruh crocs as in the shoe brand are god tier to get rid of spiders. A literal croc of doom. The crocs of doom I possess are neon blue. They bright homies.


claiming that any attempts to communicate with spirits is going to invite demons is simply untrue and harmful. I respect that that is your belief (which means that that is indeed what might happen were you to do so) but that is not how it works for most other people who choose to experiment with entity or spirit work

You are correct, but I’m going to try to explain it how I think it is portrayed in Christianity. And if any other Christians, or people with Biblical knowledge, or people who want to ask questions, please feel free to ask. Based on Christianity, there is a spirit you are supposed to interact with. It’s mentioned several times. The Holy Spirit, and the trinity. Or in better terms, the Godhead three in one. And there are spirits, that are mentioned to guard and protect. Such as guardian angels, the angel that guarded Eden, and signs sent down. For example, the various angels and beings sent down to interact with people and tell them what God told them to say. Such as Gabriel coming down to Mary. And funny enough, there were angels, (I believe they were fallen at the time) that interbred with humans and created a race of giants. That’s what Goliath was descended from, and what David had to kill. So the idea of good and bad, is out there, and what I mean based on my culture and religion (being Gaelic and Christianity) and belief is that you have to ask for the ability to have discernment and the ability to judge what is good and evil. Things may approach you, and good will either make itself known, or tell what their motive is off the bat, and evil likes to keep some of their motives hidden, until you’re blind to what they are doing. That’s where manipulation comes in. And this is where I said you have to be very aware as to what approaches you. There good and evil spirits, beings, etc. out there, you just have to learn how to discern between what is good, and what is evil. If that makes sense.
There is one person who I would love to come and give their opinion in all this. Dom? Would you please give me your opinion? I would love to see your take on this. I believe what I said is right, but please, If you seen anything wrong, please please please correct me, and show me your take.

I was raised in christianity, I am well aware of how it works for them :)


claiming that any attempts to communicate with spirits is going to invite demons is simply untrue and harmful. I respect that that is your belief (which means that that is indeed what might happen were you to do so) but that is not how it works for most other people who choose to experiment with entity or spirit work

I respect you to, and I don't want to upset you.
But I believe differently.
I know that it is wrong and harmful and I will not pretend as if it were any other way.

I'm not upset, no worries
I know you believe differently, and that's okay :) I'm not trying to attack your beliefs or say that you are wrong, it is only that spirit/entity work runs on belief. For instance, if you were to reach out to try and do spirit/entity work, you might indeed only be able to communicate with demons or angels, since you believe that those are your only two options. For someone else, however, who does not believe that, they may be able to communicate with other things that are not demons or angels. it is all tied to your belief system :)
thank you :)

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I was raised in christianity, I am well aware of how it works for them :)

Broski I’m sorry if I came off as rude fam. It was not my intent homie. I was trying to explain how my religion and culture mix but it’s hard. Really really hard. I probably should have used better structure and not have used the wide band of Christianity itself. My apologies.


I was raised in christianity, I am well aware of how it works for them :)

Broski I’m sorry if I came off as rude fam. It was not my intent homie. I was trying to explain how my religion and culture mix but it’s hard. Really really hard. I probably should have used better structure and not have used the wide band of Christianity itself. My apologies.

nah it didn't come off as rude! my apologies if I did lol


Is summoning demons real?

Not with that aditude it ain’t
I dunno, possibly depending on what you believe

yeah this is exactly it. it depends on what you believe, though you absolutely should not be summoning them "for fun" or anything of the sort. demon-work requires a lot of protection and caution