forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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Me: I shouldn't illegally download things because it waste all the hard work people do, I can always wait until I have money
Also Me: It's the sims 4 alright, nobody has that kind of cash

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

My curiosity is outweighing my ability to not know

I wish for information

My curiosity is also getting the best of me. I too wish for inside information

You can’t just leave me hanging with this information Space, do share 😂

Inquiring minds need to know!

@Space group

@Space group

Yes sir! I wouldn't dare trek into this territory if I didn't have every intention of keeping me, and my partner safe.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Oof but honestly same. Can anyone really afford every streaming service and game service at one time??? Absolutely not.

But no one deserves those services by right of existing. If you're gonna pirate, admit it's kind of wrong and only do it from people that won't feel it. Like scihub etc

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Yes sir! I wouldn't dare trek into this territory if I didn't have every intention of keeping me, and my partner safe.

Yes. You stay safe. If you need to talk about anything, you can. Emotional wise. I don’t need to know your personal business.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Oof but honestly same. Can anyone really afford every streaming service and game service at one time??? Absolutely not.

But no one deserves those services by right of existing. If you're gonna pirate, admit it's kind of wrong and only do it from people that won't feel it. Like scihub etc

True true

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Nearly 1 for me. Hey Winter what are some lit Fae names

Do you want Nordic, Irish, or Scottish? Eh I’ll just put several. I thre in some Anglo-Saxon and Welsh In there. Enjoy!

Breena- Celtic/Gaelic Fairy witch
Donella- Celtic dark-haired elfin maiden
Elga- Anglo Saxon Elfin Spear
Ella- Anglo Saxon Elfin
Eolande- Celtic/Gaelic Violet Flower
Erline, Erlina- Anglo Saxon The Elfin
Gullveig- Norse myth name (a witch)
Orla, Orlagh, Orlaith, Orrla- Irish Celtic Gaelic Golden Queen
Raisie- Celtic/Gaelic Diminutive of Rose
Rhiannon- Welsh / Celtic Goddess-Great Queen-Goddess of Fertility
Rhoslyn- Welsh Lovely rose
Rhoswen - Celtic/Gaelic White Rose
Rosina- Celtic/Gaelic Rose
Shaylee- Celtic/Gaelic Fairy princess of the field
Shea- Irish Fairy palace
Siusan- Celtic/Gaelic Lily
Alberich- Norse myth name (a dwarf)
Alfrigg- Norse myth name (a dwarf)
Brokk- Norse myth name (dwarf)
Dain- Norse myth name (a dwarf)
Eitri- Norse myth name (a dwarf)
Elvin- Celtic/Gaelic Friend of Elves
Fafnir, Fafner- Norse myth name (a dragon)
Hefeydd- Celtic myth name (father of Rhiannon)
Hreidmar- Norse myth name(dwarf king)
Kalen, Kailen, Kalan, Kallan, Kheelan, Kellen Irish/Celtic- warrior
Nidhug, Nidhogg- Norse myth name (a dragon)
Oren, Orin- IrishGael/Heb fairy, pale-skinned/pine tree
Roosevelt- Scandinavian Field of Roses
Sindri- Norse myth name (a dwarf)

@Darkblossom group

Oh my gosh NAMESsS I'm saving these for later. I literally have an entire document just with name ideas I've come up with over the years for when I make new characters

@Starfast group

My friend and I love watching bad movies together and today we finally watched Cats and oh my god. I don't know how but it was so much worse than I expected?

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Some context first.
There's a haunted elevator that connects the main floor of the building we clean at to the basement. Jim, the ghost, likes to mess with people by messing with the elevator. He'll close the door on you, and even hold them open for a long time after you're on.

We have a cart for cleaning restrooms. There wasn't much to do today, so we got about 30 minutes or so of down time.

M was down in the basement while I was mopping. I only had to do that to one room, so after I finished I decided to take the elevator down. I was originally just going to surprise her by being on the elevator. I waited for when she'd be close to the elevator, stood off to the side where I wouldn't be seen, and pressed the button to have the elevator go down to the basement. That made the doors open as she approached the elevator.

She thought that Jim was messing with the elevator, and had them open for her. No, it was me. M said that she thought it was weird that the elevator doors were open, but put that on Jim! She even called me a dick afterwards! 🤣