It is said that the wizened one emerges from her cave once every century, to mingle and dispense wisdom in this place of creativity, before returning once more to her writings in solitude.
There will come a day when her works are revealed; but not even she knows when that day is.
It is rumored that if her drafts are found and read before this time, misfortune will fall upon the reader. So if you should stumble across them, turn a blind eye and she will thank you.
Archery, reading, writing, drawing, voice acting, singing, laser tag, go-karts
Fantasy, fiction
A lot of them.
Wingfeather Saga (extremely underrated series)
"I'll take care of you." "It's rotten work." "Not to me. Not if it's you." Pylades and Orestes, Euripides. "I've been forgiven a lot, so I should forgive too." -- Family Camp.
TheLostNarrator and Magpiepony on YouTube; Michael Winslow